Reference no: EM133825724
Assignment: Writing in Business- Document Layout
Course Level Outcome
I. Used a recursive writing process to produce documents for audiences in various disciplines, including business, science, and the humanities.
II. Located, critically examined, and evaluated sources.
III. Produced documents using Standard Edited English.
IV. Collaborated actively in a writing community.
The following assignment gives you the chance to play around with the layout of a text to see how font, white space, alignment, and headings impact the look and "feel" of a document. Do take the time to manipulate these elements in your document to see how the same text can be made to look professional, academic, or playful. As you make your changes, think about what your goal is for the layout of the text and think about how the choices you made helped you achieve the goal.
This assignment has several steps. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully.
A. Copy and paste the text of "The Real Princess" into a new Word document (text of the story is below -- you do not need to search for it). You do not need to use MLA format; simply put your first and last name somewhere in the header section of the document.
B. Take the text of "The Real Princess" and format it however you wish by adjusting the font, white space, and justification and adding and formatting headings. There is no "right" way the text should look when you are finished, but it should be attractive and your decisions should be consciously made according to the overall purpose you are striving for (a professional look, a playful look, etc.).
C. Save your Word document (you will upload it as a part of your discussion board post).
D. Begin a new discussion board thread, and in the text area, answer the following questions in at least 250 words (be sure to use the keywords from each question so that I can easily tell which question you are answering):
a. Why did you choose the font that you chose?
b. Why did you use white space as you did?
c. Why did you justify or left align the text?
d. Why did you add the headings you did, and why did you format the headings however you chose to do so?
E. Once you have answered the above questions, upload your Word document and submit your post.
F. To reply to your peers, read through all of your peers' posts. Choose two that are vastly different from yours to reply to.
G. Write a substantial reply to these two peers; each reply should be at least 100 words. As a part of your replies, analyze the differences between what you did and what they did. Include some practice of your rhetorical triangle skills by pointing out how the choices made by your peers affect audience, ethos (the seeming credibility, or lack thereof, of the document), and pathos (any emotion or feeling generated by the document -- laughter, seriousness, etc.).