Why did the e-mail correspondence escalate so quickly

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133431905


Case Study


While studying hotel and restaurant management at college, Cindy worked two part-time jobs: as a desk clerk at the Windmere Hotel and as a hostess at a restaurant. As graduation approached, Cindy sent resumes to many hotels around the country. She received a few encouraging responses, mostly advising her to contact the hotel after she had relocated to the area. In assessing her employment opportunities, Cindy decided that it would make sense to discuss a full-time position with the head manager at the Windmere. Much to Cindy's delight and amazement, the manager offered her a full-time position as assistant general manager. Cindy expressed a little hesitation about her ability to handle so much responsibility at this stage in her career. The manager assured Cindy that he had observed her handle difficult situations as a desk clerk and that she could easily become a competent assistant general manager. He also told Cindy that he and other staff members would be available to give her whatever assistance she needed.

Several weeks into her new position, Cindy felt confident that she was successfully handling her responsibilities, with one exception. The exception was Stephanie, a night auditor with 20 years of experience at the Windmere. While attending high school, Stephanie worked part-time in housekeeping.

Case Study

Shortly after graduation, she married and became a parent. Tight for money after her second child was born, Stephanie returned to the Windmere as the bell desk coordinator. She soon recognized that working during the day was not profitable because of the high child-care expenses she incurred. Stephanie transferred to the night auditor position, which she held for 14 years.

Stephanie was disturbed to learn that her new boss was Cindy, whom she described as "a Generation Xer half my age." Each night while auditing her boss's mistakes, Stephanie became increasingly frustrated. Finally, she decided to send Cindy an email about her unacceptable performance, which initiated a series of emails sent back and forth between the two individuals:

TO: Cindy

FROM: Stephanie

I am starting to wonder if you are really qualified for your new position. I found loads of mistakes made by you and your staff in last night's audit. I knew this was going to happen! I have circled numerous errors from yesterday's transactions. Please fix them immediately.

TO: Stephanie

FROM: Cindy

Thank you for your ever so kind note! It is unfortunate you're having difficulty dealing with me in my new position. I am your boss, you know. I can imagine that this is a difficult thing for you to accept, but it's the truth. Be patient with me and my staff. We are not perfect!!!!

TO: Cindy

FROM: Stephanie

Your life as a student and part-time worker is over now. It's time you get cracking and take your new job a little bit more seriously. We've got a business to run here. Again, I remind you to inform your staff of their errors.

TO: Stephanie

FROM: Cindy

We've got to stop meeting like this! Ha ha! Please forgive me. The desk clerks and I have been so wild and crazy that we haven't had a free minute to work. By the way, whatever transactions you have been referring to are no longer errors. If you would read the updated procedures manual you would know this. Please keep current on the many changes being made by management.

TO: Cindy

FROM: Stephanie

Please find my letter of resignation in the envelope I placed on your desk this afternoon. Perhaps if the Windmere had hired an adult to replace Mr. Benton this would not have happened. Good luck finding a new night auditor who will stay with the hotel for 19.8 years. And one who was an entirely devoted employee.

Cindy thought to herself, "Did I do something terribly wrong, or is this her problem? I wonder what I might have done differently. The general manager will not be too happy about Stephanie resigning"


1. What is the most likely source (or sources) of the conflict between Cindy and Stephanie? Why did the e-mail correspondence escalate so quickly?

2. What could Cindy have done to better resolve conflict with Stephanie?

3. What could Stephanie have done to better resolve conflict with Cindy?

Reference no: EM133431905

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