Why did she find for the plaintiff

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM133454133

Question: Why did she find for the plaintiff. What legal grounds to you think she used? What type of damages were they?

A couple of things: The video has about 5 commercials. It's irritating. I'm sorry, I can't find a better copy.

Please ignore the Judge Judy snark (unless you appreciate it). I have debating using this video but it is a really good example of this week's content and brings together several of the concepts we've studied thus far. If the link above does not work, use the alternate link below:


Reference no: EM133454133

Questions Cloud

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What are the three types of boundaries in families : What are the three types of boundaries in families? For a family with enmeshed relationships, what kind of relational boundary do they have in the family?
Why did she find for the plaintiff : Why did she find for the plaintiff. What legal grounds to you think she used? What type of damages were they?
Develop a plan for homeless : Develop a plan for homeless and AOD person to identify all available services, their appropriateness, timeframes and expected outcomes and coordination
Define and discuss the efficient markets hypothesis : Define and discuss the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH), in- cluding criticisms and limitations. (b) Explain how you might test the EMH using autocorrelations
Why mg smiths theory of stratification of plural societies : Why M.G. Smiths' theory of the stratification of plural societies is suited to plantation societies but not to contemporary West Indian societies.
Domestication theory provides framework : Definition by the author, Domestication theory provides a framework for understanding the way in which information and communication technologies


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