Why did outgoing president herbert hoover warn against them

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Reference no: EM133737247

The Great Depression was a transformative era for the United States. The newly elected president in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, labeled his plan to combat the worsening economic crisis the "New Deal." Why did Roosevelt believe such policies and programs were necessary, and why did outgoing president Herbert Hoover warn against them? How do the issues of migration and unemployment connect to these debates?

Reference no: EM133737247

Questions Cloud

Describe native americans in united states between 1865-1900 : How would you describe conditions Native Americans in the United States between 1865 and 1900?
Describe the development of industry between 1800 and 1900 : Describe the development of Industry between 1800 and 1900. How did industry change during this time?
How was french society organized under the old regime : How was French society organized under the Old Regime? What changes were adopted during the "liberal revolution" (Bachman, 632), beginning in 1789.
What changes were adopted during the liberal revolution : What changes were adopted during the "liberal revolution" (Bachman, 632), beginning in 1789 and culminating in the French Constitution of 1791?
Why did outgoing president herbert hoover warn against them : Why did Roosevelt believe such policies and programs were necessary, and why did outgoing president Herbert Hoover warn against them?
Were the impediments permanently erased or only temporarily : What were some of the significant impediments that made it difficult for Mexican Americans to gain political power in the 20th century?
Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time : Was it fair for such a small and homogenous group to write the governing document for a diverse nation? Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time?
Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time : Was it fair for such a small and homogenous group to write the governing document for a diverse nation? Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time?
Evaluate the successes and failures of truman administration : Evaluate the successes and failures of the Truman administration when it came to achieving the aims of its Fair Deal.


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