Reference no: EM133805459
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In Japan and many other countries, such explanations are still advanced publicly and without apology.
Why did wealth and power become distributed in this way rather than in some other way?
Those collisions created reverberations still echoing today in some of the world's most troubled areas today.
Many educated white Americans and Europeans think of Australian Aborigines as inherently primitive.
While thus ultimately about history and prehistory, this book is not of just academic interest but also of overwhelming practical and political importance.
White immigrants to Australia built a literate, industrialized, politically centralized, democratic state based on metal tools and on food production, all within a century of colonizing a continent even with the Aborigines living there as tribal hunter-gatherers without metal for at least 40,000 years.
This fact creates double difficulties for efforts to test the hypothesis of intellectual differences underlying technological differences.
These studies have called attention to parts of the puzzle but provide only pieces of the needed broad synthesis.
Much more serious, though, is the moral gap left unfilled.
The sole Native American societies to develop writing arose in Mexico south of the Tropic of Cancer.
Why did New Guineans wind up technologically primitive, despite their superior intelligence?
Questions emerging from worldwide comparisons of human societies formerly attracted much attention from historians and geographers.
Before seeking answers to Yali's question, we should pause to consider some objections to discussing it at all.