Why did Imperial Japan pursue a path of conquest

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Reference no: EM133218385

Assignment - World War and Depression Discussion Questions

Q1. How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the rise of Adolph Hitler? How did Hitler use grievance and pride to manipulate the people and rise to power? How did Hitler project blame to inspire the German people to follow him?

Q2. Why did Imperial Japan pursue a path of conquest in the Pacific Rim? Who did the Japanese perceive to be the biggest threat to their plans? How did the Japanese seek to counter that threat? How effective was their plan?

Q3. How did President Franklin Roosevelt react to Hitler's threat to Europe? How did domestic politics in the United States influence Roosevelt's actions? How did Roosevelt assist Great Britain against the Nazi threat?

Q4. How did WWII impact the United States' Depression  Era economy?  Though people were able to go back to work as the war in Europe erupted, what consumer goods were available for Americans? Once the US was drawn into the war how did the US work force change?

Q5. How did the rise of communism change the global political landscape? What caused the US and western Europe to see the Soviet Union as a threat? What measures did the west take to protect itself from this threat?

Reference no: EM133218385

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