Reference no: EM132498834 , Length: 6 pages
Write a case brief on e-bay using the following guidelines
• Identify major problems or challenges of the case organization or industry
• Assess business strategy and innovation management activities within the case organization or industry, and apply innovation management theories and tools discussed in the texts and assigned readings to support your analysis
• Answer the case questions (Note: You need to assess innovation management activities within the case organization or industry, and apply innovation management framework and methods to support your analysis)
• Present recommendations for improving the innovation activities
• Provide managerial implications (i.e., major lessons learned from studying this case) for business executives
• Answer the case brief questions at the end of the report.
Case brief questions.
Question 1 eBay is one of the only major internet-based firms consistently to make a profit from its inception. What isE-bay's business model? Why has it been so successful?
Question 2 Other major websites, like Amazon and Yahoo, have entered the auction marketplace with far lessSuccess than eBay. How has eBay been able to maintain its dominant position?
Question 3 Why did eBay ban the leaving of negative feedback on sellers? What has been the impact of this change?
Question 4 EBay makes every effort to conceptualize its users as a community (as opposed to, say, ‘customers'or ‘clients'). What is the purpose of this conceptual difference and does eBay gain something bydoing it?
Question 5 EBay has long been a marketplace for used goods and collectibles. Today, it is increasingly a placewhere major businesses come to auction their wares. Why would a brand name vendor set up shop on eBay?
Question 6 The development of the eBay feed shows the need for eBay to continue to incorporate new serviceswithin its activities. What other mobile applications could it utilise?
Question 7 Given the growth opportunities available to eBay, which ones and in which order should it develop?