Why csr is important for businesses

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133513578 , Length: Words Count:600


  1. Why CSR is important for businesses? Use your critical thinking and provide supporting points (100 to 150 words)
  2. How does CSR contribute to the long-term success of a business? Use your critical and analytical thinking andprovide supporting points (100 to 150 words)
  3. What is the connection between CSR and business ethics? Use your critical and analytical thinking and provide supporting points (100 to 150 words)
  4. Give an example of a company that practices CSR and explain how it is connected to their business ethics. Use your critical and analytical thinking and provide supporting points (Use examples of companies other than thoese discussed in the article) (100 to 150 words)

Reference no: EM133513578

Questions Cloud

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