Why companies are reluctant to get rid of obsolete product

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133237294


A Warehouse costs $85,680 to lease, and power is $12,000 per annum, and insurance is $5,000 per annum, and shrinkage is $2,000. Our averag iventory is $480,000. What is our K factor (carrying cost percentage)? If we have $14,500 of obsolete product, how much does it cost to look after this stock for one year? Identify at least 5 ways to dispose those obsolete products and explain why companies are reluctant to get rid of obsolete product?

Reference no: EM133237294

Questions Cloud

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Why companies are reluctant to get rid of obsolete product : Identify at least 5 ways to dispose those obsolete products and explain why companies are reluctant to get rid of obsolete product?
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