Why capability are important to determine human development

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133508838

Assignment: Italy team report


The purpose of this Module is to study the concept of capabilities approach as developed by Amartya Sen and by M. Nussbaum. Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen has helped to make the capabilities approach the foundation of the indices created by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure human development. These indices to measure human development created by UNDP, in addition to income, includes achievements in health and education. This will be a team report.

Course Objectives

By completing the activities in this module, you will make progress in completing course objective:

Evaluate women's issues worldwide from multiple cultural perspectives: Within the context of Human Development Indicators, students will be able to examine the situation of women, in comparison to men, in selected countries, as they are affected by intercultural and global issues. The Report is not related to the country your team will be analyzing.

Module Objectives

1. Analyze the Human Development Reports based on the concept of the capabilities approach.
2. Evaluate the ways in which human economic development can be measured.

Submit a copy of the team research report in which you will explain the capabilities approach as developed by A. Sen. The following questions are provided to help you in writing your team research paper:

Question 1. Which ones are the most basic capabilities?

Question 2. Why these capabilities are important to determine human development?

Question 3. How the Human Development Reports incorporate capabilities as they measure human development?

Your team report should not exceed the equivalent of 5 pages. The style of writing is of your choice. Remember that an essay should always include an introduction, a body, and conclusions.

Reference no: EM133508838

Questions Cloud

Define social welfare and social welfare policy : Define social welfare and social welfare policy. Explain how social welfare policy governs social work practice and programs.
Evaluate the role of a leader in determining team : The effectiveness of teams depends upon the ability of a leader to assemble individuals with complementary skills who can work cohesively together.
How do you envision advance pharmacology course : How do you envision advance pharmacology course adding to your knowledge as an advanced practice nurse
Society has held changing views of adolescence : Society has held changing views of adolescence. The textbook argues that adolescence was invented during the Industrial Revolution.
Why capability are important to determine human development : Why these capabilities are important to determine human development? How Human Development Reports incorporate capabilities as they measure human development?
Describe how imogene kings theory applies : Describe how Imogene Kings theory applies to your future role as a nurse leader in advanced nursing practice (individuals, families, communities, and special
Implementation of evidence-based practice : Do the government and accrediting bodies impact the organization's implementation of evidence-based practice?
Discuss role of sales team department for the travel agency : explain in detail the role of sales team department for the travel agency *please give references link used in the answer & give examples
Describe process of treatment using cognitive behavior : Describe the process of treatment using cognitive behavior therapy. This should include a description of the length of treatment, the role of the counselor.


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