Why believe safety education chose will benefit pediatric

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Reference no: EM132978253

Purpose of Assignment

This assignment will address the current issues in pediatric healthcare related to safety. Growth and development is an important factor that should be considered along with safety in many areas of pediatric health alterations. Many times the health alterations experienced by children can be prevented if safety education is provided.


Prioritize nursing interventions when caring for pediatric clients with health disorders.


This discussion will focus on the importance of teaching a chosen safety concern in the pediatric population. You will present your response in the discussion addressing the following questions: (discussion should be 300 words).

Question 1: Determine the age and developmental stage and how that impacts the child related to the safety concern.

Question 2: Describe why you believe the safety education you chose will benefit the pediatric population. Who do you believe is the target age range for this specific educational teaching?

Question 3: Describe at least three nursing diagnoses related to the incident you are providing teaching to prevent. Support your choices with rationales citing 1-2 scholarly sources.

Reference no: EM132978253

Questions Cloud

Prepare the sales budget : Prepare the sales budget - Income taxes are expected to be 30% of income before income taxes
How would the differences be manifested clinically : What are the pathophysiologic differences between graft versus host disease and graft rejection? How would these differences be manifested clinically?
Describe the behaviors apparent for each disorder : Describe the behaviors apparent for each disorder in this scenario (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder).
Reflect on current nursing practice : Write your personal philosophy/mission statement of nursing. Include your mission statement as related to your nursing practice
Why believe safety education chose will benefit pediatric : Why believe the safety education chose will benefit the pediatric population. Who do you believe is the target age range for this specific educational teaching?
Explain role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance : Explain the role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance issues. Provide an example of a health care organization that was placed on probation
Theory on boiling points and factors of molecular structure : Boiling point of organic molecules and relationship of this property with the molecular properties and structure of the molecules
How the risk management program at the organization : How the risk management program at the organization where you work (or at that of a typical health care organization) addresses social media
Analyze a health care risk management program : Summary of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale.


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