Why are you interested in an online program

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Reference no: EM133531562

Assignment: Letter to the Admissions Committee

Guidelines for Writing Your Letter to the Admissions Committee

Directions: The following instructions contain information about your letter to the Admissions Committee, which is a required part of your application to be presented for review. Please focus only on the information requested about you, your background, and your future goals. You are strongly encouraged to carefully proofread, grammar check, and spell check your letter. Overall writing presentation and clarity are very important.

Your Full Name: You must include your full name in your letter to the Admissions Committee.

Degree and Specialization: You must clearly indicate the degree program and specialization in which you are applying to within that program.

Content: There are eight sections described below. Please include the following information when preparing your letter to the Admissions Committee. While not required, we strongly suggest that you format your letter by heading each section with the headings shown below. Write your information in paragraph form and do not use bullet format within the sections.

I. Personal/Professional Goals

1. Why are you interested in graduate school and what are your plans after you receive your degree?

2. What influenced you to choose the field?

3. Why are you interested in the program and specialization to which you are applying?

Note that your personal/professional goals should be in line with the specialization to which you are applying.

II. Academic Experience

1. Describe your previous undergraduate and graduate academic experience; if you do not have the specialization background, you may want to explain how you plan to apply your prior academic skills to your chosen specialization.

2. You may include any experiences (unique work or research experience, study aboard, etc) that influenced your choice of graduate program/specialization.

3. Explain any inconsistencies in your academic record. If your GPA was not what you would have liked, explain any personal, physical or family circumstances that may have adversely affected your GPA.

III. Research Experience

1. Address prior research experience, significant research papers/projects or other research accomplishments in your field. If you do not have any prior research experience, you must indicate no research experience under this section in a complete sentence.

IV. Work/Other Experience

1. What is your prior work experience? Include any volunteer work and/or extracurricular activities that complement your career decision. If you do not have any relevant experience, please indicate that in this section. You can also address any cultural knowledge or experiences you may have acquired that may better prepare you for the field.

V. Personal Qualities

1. Include in this section personal qualities (e.g., interpersonal skills, teamwork skills, etc.) you possess that you believe will contribute to your success in your field and academic program.

VI. Why Walden

1. Indicate why Walden University would be a good match for you and your future goals.

2. What interested you about Walden (this could include accreditation, courses, faculty, research, etc.)?

3. Why are you interested in an online program?

VII. Reason(s) for Admissions Committee Review

1. Address the reason(s) why your file is being presented to the Admissions Committee for review.

2. For example, if you have a low GPA, state the reasons for your low GPA or poor academic performance.

VIII. How will you be successful?

1. Address how you plan to be successful at Walden if admitted.

Reference no: EM133531562

Questions Cloud

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What is the major business and market structure : What is the major business and market structure in which the business operates in Baltimore? What are the characteristics o the market structure and does
Why are you interested in an online program : What interested you about Walden (this could include accreditation, courses, faculty, research, etc.)? Why are you interested in an online program?
What causes the change of the curve : what causes the change of the curve: Income, number of consumers, number of sellers, or cost or availability of resources?
List the phases in the development of spelling and discuss : List the phases in the development of spelling and discuss the first two. Do not simply write down the information as it appears in the study guide.
What makes this market perfectly competitive : What makes this market perfectly competitive? How do the competitors interact with each other and suppliers and customers?
What is the probability that a majority of the jurors : majority of the jurors are correct is increasing in the number n nof jurors and approaches 1 as n tends to infinity. Assume n equals 3 and p equals 0.9.


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