Why are training and experience so important at ups

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131287146

Unit 1 Assignment: Article Review
Read the following article found in the Kaplan Online Library:
Source: Soupta, L. (2001). Managing culture for competitive advantage at United Parcel Service.
Journal of Organizational Excellence, 20(3), 19-26. Retrieved from:
In answering the following questions on the above article, aim for a paper that is 2 to 3 pages in
length. Where appropriate, support your assertions from your Readings and/or your own experiences.

1. How do practices such as internal promotion and assignment of broad job duties help UPS achieve its competitive business strategy?

2. How do the human resource practices at UPS help build teamwork?

3. Why are training and experience so important at UPS?

To successfully complete the Assignment, the following are the minimum requirements:

Complete a 2 to 3 page paper in APA format - 12 pt. font, double-spaced, indented paragraphs, citations, reference list, etc.

Include introductory and summary paragraphs.

Limit the use of direct quotations - instead, paraphrase and cite the author's work.

Reinforce your personal opinions with at least two credible or scholarly research articles (not to exceed 10-15% of content).

Demonstrate your understanding of the weekly objective(s) through your response.

Ensure that a response to each question of the case study is included within your paper.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location and

with a name that you will remember. Make sure your Assignment is in the appropriate format (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, or other).

Reference no: EM131287146

Questions Cloud

Rapid eye movements and changes : When men or women sleep 6 hours or less per night, they are not as healthy as when they sleep 7 or 8 hours.  Those who sleep 9 hours or more are slightly below average in health.  Thus, 7 to 8 hours of sleep are most favorable.  As you might expec..
Identify steps you can take to build relationships : Discuss how being aware of these characteristics impacts the work you do with people from different backgrounds. Identify steps you can take to build relationships with a "broad spectrum of people".
Project cost estimate and baseline budget : HTC has contracted you to build out a state-of-the-art multimedia classroom for HTC.  Assume the space is already built (i.e. you don't need to worry about any construction costs, except where those might be related to pulling cables and other suc..
Find the distance x and the magnitude and direction of r : The three forces of magnitude P can be replaced by a single, equivalent force R acting at point A. Determine the distance x and the magnitude and direction of R.
Why are training and experience so important at ups : How do practices such as internal promotion and assignment of broad job duties help UPS achieve its competitive business strategy?How do the human resource practices at UPS help build teamwork?
Compute break-even point-proposed new break-even point units : Shawn Pen & Pencil Sets Inc. has fixed costs of $500,200. Its product currently sells for $22 per unit and has variable costs of $9.80 per unit. Mr. Bic, the head of manufacturing, proposes to buy new equipment that will cost $480,000 and drive up fi..
Six potential sources of power : Individuals have six potential sources of power, including legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, information, and referent power. Influence tactics are the way that individuals attempt to influence one another in organizations.
Calculate the combined moment of p and c : The magnitudes of the force P and couple C are 500 lb and 1200 lb · ft, respectively. Calculate the combined moment of P and C about the axis OF.
Approximate economic order quantity : A certain type of computer costs $800, and the annual holding cost is 20%.Annual demand is 9,000 units, and the order cost is$200 per order. What is the approximate economic order quantity?


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