Why are some countries rich and others poor

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133775896

Case: You need to also prepare a one-page A4 summary of the presentation covering the main points and all the references; print and circulate the copies of the summary page to all the students present in the class and the tutor. The objective is to share your hard work with your fellow students to help them prepare with the possibility of accessing your references.

1. The objectives of presentations are to (i) stimulate group discussion/analysis, (ii) help students gain presentation skills, (iii) use the material cited but possibly back this up with other material where necessary.
2. Try to make your presentation an interesting and challenging learning experience for your colleagues.
3. The oral presentation is marked according to the assessment rubric in this document.
4. Your presentation should be specific. Nothing should be included that does not contribute directly to answering the question/instruction.
5. ‘Specifically answering the question' means that you are keeping focus on the relevant subject matter all the way through the presentation.
6. Have a well-structured presentation.
7. Put forward a powerful, persuasive, and clear argument on the issue.
8. Use graphs, data, tables and/or figures-where relevant to aid your assessment of the evidence.
9. Use of PowerPoint is highly recommended.
10. Remember to include the one-page summary of your talk.
11. Include all the references in the presentation as well as in the summary page.
12. Remember it is the responsibility of each student to know the week of their presentation-therefore, missing your presentation will result in a score of 0.


Students listening to the work being presented are expected to show interest and respect, and have read around the topic, ask questions, and contribute to the ensuing discussion. The aim is to make the presentation sessions lively, stimulating, and topical via the use of an interactive approach.

Question 1. "Why Are Some Countries Rich and Others Poor?" Comment on why there are increasing levels of inequality in the world with rich countries becoming richer and poor countries becoming poorer? Outline some macroeconomic policies that can be helpful in addressing the increasing global inequality.

Reference no: EM133775896

Questions Cloud

Describe an ethical situation you have witnessed experience : Describe an ethical situation you have witnessed or potentially could experience within your nursing practice. Compare two ethics concepts discussed,
How would you analyze the target audiences behavior : How would you analyze the target audience's behavior on social media, blogs, and mobile technology to optimize your inbound marketing strategies?
Describe factors contributed to their success or failure : Describe factors contributed to their success or failure. Identify knowledge, skills and/or abilities you might assess for selection.
What skills will you need to be suitable for your desired : What skills will you need to be suitable for your desired role and How many of those skills are technical skills and how many are "soft" skills
Why are some countries rich and others poor : Why Are Some Countries Rich and Others Poor Comment on why there are increasing levels of inequality in the world with rich countries becoming richer and poor
What kind of impact would iot have in that specific industry : Do you know whether the IoT is already implemented in that industry? What kind of impact would the IoT have in that specific industry based on its users?
Analyze the trend for accounts receivable collections : Analyze the company's performance and performance trends. Include the following in your analysis: Analyze the trend for accounts receivable collections.
Evaluate economic conditions influence company performance : Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Analyze year-over-year performance from the past three years (2021, 2022, & 2023).
What can a nurse do to make life in hospital more culture : What can a nurse do to make life in the hospital more culture-specific for an Amish client? List two etiological reasons for the development of alcoholism.


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