Why are researchers interested in studying

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133530468

Section title "Abstract"

1. Of the multiple microorganisms listed as being present in the human body, which types are the focus of this article?

2. Why are researchers interested in studying the microbe-associated small molecules also refer in the article as metabolites?

Section with no title after "Abstract"

3. "archaea are not present in the human microbiota, and none are currently known to be associated with infectious diseases in humans, animals, plants, or microorganisms." This is a direct line from the book, how is this line challenge by the information presented in this section of the article?

Section title "Methanogenic archaea in/on human body"

4. What are the different human body locations where methanogenic archaea can be found?

5. It is mentioned in the article that "DNA extraction kits primarily employ lysozyme lysis, which does not degrade archaea walls efficiently". Why doesn't lysozyme break the cell wall of archaea organisms?

Section title "Metabolites of methanogens and human health"

6. Of the effects produced in the human body by the presence of methanogens or from methanogens' metabolic products, provide one example of a mutualistic symbiotic relationship and one example of a parasitic symbiotic relationship.

Reference no: EM133530468

Questions Cloud

What types of incidence rates are being presented here : What types of incidence rates are being presented here? What do the crude incidence rates tell us? What do age-adjusted rates tell us?
List the primary ingredients of each media : List the primary ingredients of each media and what the function of each ingredient is in the test. You may have to Google the ingredients.
Describe and assess the impact of implementing : Describe and assess the impact of implementing the recommendation on the organizational structure and performance relative to the forecasted demand for
Explain why a cell with a high salt concentration : Explain why a cell with a high salt concentration would explode (lyse) if placed into a solution with a low salt concentration.
Why are researchers interested in studying : Why are researchers interested in studying the microbe-associated small molecules also refer in the article as metabolites?
How you will demonstrate responsible use of social media : Explain how you will demonstrate responsible use of social media and technology as an educator.
Address the content of your colleague analysis : The only area of improvement would be to widen the sample of individuals within the agency used for this study.
Microbial metabolism and growth : Tell me three things that you know about microbial metabolism and growth? What topics do you think will be covered in this module? What would you like to learn
What additional assessment findings would you look for : NSG 3300- What additional assessment findings would you look for? What diagnostics would you anticipate the healthcare team ordering?


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