Why agency conducts intakes assessments and classifications

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Reference no: EM133588809

Discussion Post: Intake, Assessment

Imagine you have been asked to train new helping professionals enter your social work agency on the purpose and philosophy of intake, assessment, and classification of justice-involved individuals.

Answer questions below-

Question 1. What is the social works' philosophy of how and why intakes, assessments, and classifications are performed? Why the agency conducts intakes, assessments, and classifications? What do they have to do with each other? And when they should be performed?

Question 2. What does classification look like in the chosen setting - if in a carceral setting for example, it is usually pretty straight forward, so describe that - but if probation or some other setting, it's not always as straight forward - though in probation and parole for example, risk level may be the classification system guiding supervision, so you will want to explain that with respect to your chosen setting.

Reference no: EM133588809

Questions Cloud

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