Why act up demonstrated against the institution

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Reference no: EM133333514


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Critiquing Institutions: United in Anger: A History of ACT UP and AIDS activism in Canada

ACT UP, the activist organization featured in United in Anger, targeted many different social institutions in their actions, including:

  • the New York Stock Exchange
  • Cosmopolitan Magazine
  • the Catholic Church (St Patrick's Cathedral)
  • the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • the Centres for Disease Control (CDC)
  • the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Choose three of the institutions listed above, and for each explain in your own words why ACT UP demonstrated against the institution. Please be specific about what motivated each protest, and about the goals of the action (demonstration).


Hubbard, J. (Dir.). (2012). United in anger: A history of ACT UP (video).USA: The Ford Foundation and The New York State Council on the Arts.

Houston, A. (2012, December 3). How AIDS activists changed Canadian health policy. Xtra.

Reference no: EM133333514

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Why act up demonstrated against the institution : Choose three of the institutions listed above, and for each explain in your own words why ACT UP demonstrated against the institution.
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