Why a pituitary enlargement produces blurred vision

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131163215

Please answer the following questions using your critical thinking:

1.- Why steroidal hormones need to penetrate plasma membrane of cells to produce their functions?

2.-Why a pituitary enlargement produces blurred vision?

3.- What are the consequences of congenital hypothyroidism?

4.-How "pills" like Lisinopril act in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?

5.- How "sartans" like Cardiosartan act in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?

6.-Which hormones are blocked (negative feedback) when oral contraceptives are taken? And WHY?

7. What is gestational diabetes? Why is produced?

8. Why Diabetes mellitus Type I is related to ketoacidosis? How this complication is produced and what are the metabolic consequences?

9. What is the main important hormone released when dehydration is produced? And WHY?

10.-What is Chvostek sign? What is Trousseau sign? Why are they produced?

11.-What is the contribution of FSH over the endometrium?

12.-What are the consequences for a woman if oxytocin is not secreted?

13.-What are the acute and urgent metabolic consequences if during a thyroidectomy a parathyroidectomy is also done?

Reference no: EM131163215

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