Why a child can experience psychological issues

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Reference no: EM133273116

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Description - Despite common assumptions, children do experience psychological issues occasionally, and various theories exist regarding the reasons of these issues. Many Hispanic people think that children's psychological issues have a religious explanation because of their culture and ethnicity (Caplan, 2019).

Children with psychological issues have parents whom has sinned or who consistently live a sinful lifestyle, according to one of the most prevalent myths among Hispanics about this topic (Caplan, 2019). They believe that a child's psychological illness can result from their parents' faults. Additionally, some people believe that these mental diseases are demonic assaults (Caplan, 2019). A family's children are more likely to experience psychological issues if they are less religious or pray less frequently.

I believe there are proper medical reasons for why a child can experience psychological issues. The way a child interacts with others, whether it be family or strangers, has a big impact on their mental health. For instance, children who grow up with abusive parents or who suffer traumatic events typically experience psychological disorders (Behere, Basnet & Campbell, 2017). A child's sense of security can be impacted by verbal or physical abuse, and the sense of abandonment frequently leads to mental health issues.

Other traumatic events that adversely affect children's mental health include bullying, sexual abuse, and losing a loved one (Behere, Basnet & Campbell, 2017). Additionally, genetics may contribute to childhood psychosocial difficulties. Children with mental health issues are more likely to live in families who have a history of psychiatric issues. Children inherit these genetic features from their parents, which acts as a predisposing factor.

Mental health issues have a scientific reason that is frequently treatable, despite the fact that different groups hold varying views on the causes of psychological issues in children. This issue needs to be brought to the public's attention so that kids who are struggling with their mental health can receive the assistance they require.

Reference no: EM133273116

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