Who were the intended audiences for each of the infographics

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133733890 , Length: 5

Homework: Art- The HR Department at Good Hope Hospital Memorandum

In this homework, you will be starting with the work you have already accomplished in the Proposal document, and you will be transforming it into a pair of infographics. Coupled with these infographics, you will prepare an analysis that carefully discusses your design decisions and your goals for addressing the specific needs of your audiences. Search up examples of infographic to have an idea of what the paper/poster should look like.

Part I: Reflection Memo: complete a memo of the homework that discusses the drafting process, and how you started.

Answer these questions in the memo

A. Who were the intended audiences for each of the infographics? How are these audiences related? How are they different? What specific needs, values, job functions or other attributes set these audiences apart?

B. What are the primary design features that make your infographics different? How do these differences relate to the needs, values, job functions or other attributes of the intended audiences?

C. For each infographic, what data/information did you include, and what information did you omit, and how did these decisions relate to the needs, values, job functions or other attributes of the intended audiences?

Part II: Two Infographics: develop both infographics, following the basic steps provided below:

A. Based on your proposal document, choose two sub-audiences from within the chosen context of the proposal documents.

a. For example, if you wrote a Proposal regarding a former company you interned at, you could determine your two sub-audiences as (i) fellow interns and (ii) management.

B. Now that you have the subject matter and the audiences chosen, craft two separate infographics, one for each audience. Following the guidelines discussed above, especially the issues that you will cover in your Analysis, design the infographics according to the specific needs, values, job functions or other attributes of each audience.

Reference no: EM133733890

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