Who were hamlet and ophelia

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133442755

Question: Who were Hamlet and Ophelia? What relationship was there between them? What conflicts did they have? What is the end of your story?

Reference no: EM133442755

Questions Cloud

Exemplify the meaning of the word foil : From the novel Flyin West by Pearl Cleage, which 4 characters best exemplify the meaning of the word "foil"?
Explore the aspect of psychoanalytical theory : Use some aspect of psychoanalytical theory to explore and explain something that occurs in "The Americans" a short story in The Refugees by Viet Thanh Nguyen.
Read the embodiment : In the case of Cursed Bunny, you may read "The Embodiment", "Goodbye, My Love", "Scars", "Home Sweet Home", "Ruler of the Winds and Sands", or "Reunion".
Is creation polytheistic or monotheistic : Is creation polytheistic or monotheistic (or something else entirely)? Is there a theomachy involved? What does it look like?
Who were hamlet and ophelia : Who were Hamlet and Ophelia? What relationship was there between them? What conflicts did they have? What is the end of your story?
How to tame a wild tongue relate to your life : In your personal point of view, what is anzaldua "how to tame a wild tongue" relate to your life? What does anzaldua realize you about life and yourself?
Emphasize dialogue or internal monologue over action : Coming-of-age stories tend to emphasize dialogue or internal monologue over action, and they are often set in the past.
Develop the theme of escape in only drunks : How the author Drew Hayden Taylor, uses the literary device of Imagery to develop the theme of "escape" in "Only Drunks and Children Speak the Truth,".
How does the plotting create suspense and interest : Why is the title not "A Rose for Miss Emily" as she is called in the story? How does the plotting create suspense and interest?


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