Reference no: EM133329642
Question 1. You are implementing a new driver safety program to educate drivers about the dangers of texting while driving. You work with the state Bureau of Motor Vehicles and will implement the program in high schools in partnerships with driver education teachers. Describe the approach you will take and how you will develop a health communication plan.
Question 2. Have you ever pretested a message or concept for a health promotion program? If so, describe how you did it. What was the message or concept? Who was the priority audience? How did you go about the pretesting process? What did you learn from the audience? What changes did you make?
Question 3. How would a program's health communication plan differ for, on the one hand, a rural community of 5,000 people (including adults, children, and senior citizens) and, on the other hand, a large urban hospital with 1,500 employees working 7 days a week, 24 hours a day or a school district with 4,000 students in grades from kindergarten to 12th grade? How might the audience segments for each program differ?
Question 4. A manufacturing company is implementing a program to promote physical activity among its 1,000 adult employees at a company site. Try to write a statement on the importance of physical activity for adults, using plain language.
Question 5. You are working at a student health center at a large university and have been asked to develop and implement a new campaign to promote greater awareness about safer sex habits and STD/HIV prevention, and encourage students to visit the health center to get tested. Describe the communication channels you would choose to reach students and why you chose them.