Who was the female african-american journalist

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133735058


1. Name the fiercely ambitious man who decided to bring order and rationality to the chaotic oil industry and in 1882 organized the Standard Oil Trust?

2. Who were the self-conscious political elite Republicans that opposed Blaine to run their party, dedicated to promoting the public welfare that was centered in the large cities and major universities in the northeast?

3. Who became the 23rd President of the United States from 1889 to 1893 and was the grandson of the ninth president William Henry Harrison?

4. What Act authorized the construction of a rail line along a north-central route, to be built by the Union Pacific Railroad westward from Omaha, Nebraska, and by the Central Pacific Railroad eastward from Sacramento,California?

5. What was the Act that prohibited companies from conspiring to establish monopolies?

6. Name a new third party focused on addressing the needs of small farmers, many of whom did not own the land they worked?

7. What was also known as the Technological Revolution, that was a time of rapid scientific discovery, standardization, mass production and industrialisation from the late 19th century into the early 20th century-

8. The thirty-five years between the end of the Civil War and the end of the nineteenth century were called by Mark Twain the what?

9. What was it called when the U.S. Department of Agriculture sent Oliver H. Kelley on a tour of the South in 1866 to see the destruction of farms after the Civil War?

10. Name the man that was born to wealth, was an investment banker, consolidation of the steel Industry creating the United States Steel Corporation?

11. Name the corrupt ring that Boss Tweed used to dominate New York City where he gave out contracts to business allies and jobs to political supporters, often at inflated prices.

12. What organization's structure differed from that of the Knights of Labor in that it was a federation of national organizations, each of which retained a large degree of autonomy and exercised greater leverage against management?

13. Once the Grange lost energy, what other agricultural organizations grew and organized social and recreational activities, but they also emphasized political action and became the largest and most dynamic farmers' movement in history?

14. What was it called when a massive demonstration took place a day after violence erupted at the McCormick Reaper Works plant in Chicago, Illinois. Striking union workers and police clashed leaving two strikers dead?

15. Who was the candidate for the Democrats and the Populists in the election of 1896 and worked to promote the welfare of the working and middle classes by providing subsidies for farmers, legalizing labor strikes, regulating railroads, taxing the rich, and breaking up "trusts"?

16. Who became the 19th president of the United States, who won a controversial and fiercely disputed election against Samuel Tilden?

17. Who invented the process by which steel could be produced directly and quickly from crude iron made in a blast furnace?

18. What were the laws called when whites ruthlessly exercised their will over all areas of black life, imposing racial subjugation and segregation by preventing blacks from voting?

19. Who in his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, invented the phonograph in 1877 and the first light bulb using direct current in 1879?

20. Name the 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case that upheld the constitutionality of segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine.

21. What organization was started in 1869 by Uriah S. Stephens, emphasized reform measures and preferred boycotts to strikes as a way to put pressure on employers?

22. Who was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 25th President of the United States?

23. Who was nicknamed "the Commodore" and merged separate rail lines connecting Albany and Buffalo, New York, into a single powerful railroad forging connections to New York City and Chicago?

24. What was it called when on the morning of November 10, 1898, some two thousand well-armed white men and boys rampaged through the streets of Wilmington and destroyed the offices of The Daily Record, the city's black-owned newspaper?

25. Who founded the American Railway Union and would serve six months in jail for violating an injunction forbidding any interference with the mail or any effort to restrain interstate commerce.

26. Who was the female African-American journalist and activist who led an anti-lynching crusade in the United States in the 1890s?

27.What was it called when a workers' strike at Andrew Carnegie steel plant in Pittsburgh became violent after Henry Frick brought in Pinkertons to control the striking workers,killing seven workers?

28. Who became the 21st President after the death of President Garfield and proved to be a surprisingly competent president.

29. Who became one of the most influential African-American intellectuals of the late 19th century and founded the Tuskegee Institute, a black school in Alabama devoted to training teachers?

30. Name the man who was born in Scotland, then migrated in 1848 with his family to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and wanted to dominate the railroad and steel industry and wrote the essay "The Gospel of Wealth"?

31.Name the Republicans who were only half-loyal to Grant and half-committed to reform of the spoils system and were led by James Gillespie Blaine of Maine?

32. Who would win the Election in 1884 and served as the 22nd and 24th U.S. president and was known as a political reformer and is the only president to date who served two nonconsecutive terms.

33. This man was the leading African-American sociologist, writer and activist who was educated at Harvard University and was a founding officer of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

34. Name the lady that became a leader and was involved in the movement that would become the People's or Populist Party?

35. Name Croatian immigrant who invented the alternating current motor and won the"battle of the currents," over Edison?

36. Also known as the "Dog Tag Laws" What act renewed the exclusion of new Chinese immigrants and required all Chinese residents of the United States to carry a resident permit.

37. What happened on May 11, 1894 when employees who built rail cars were required to live in the company town, pay rents and utility costs that were higher than those in nearby towns, after having their wages cut by 25 to 40 percent.

38. Who became the 20th President of the United States that showed great potential as a new president only to be assassinated four months in office by Charles Guiteau?

39.This Union, also called the Wobblies, led an effort to revive industrial unionism and was designed to be "one big union," including all workers, skilled or unskilled. With its chief base being the Western Federation of Miners, organized at Butte, Montana, in 1893.

40. Name the Republicans who were loyal, reliable, and hardworking in their support of President Grant during the misbehavior of his cabinet members and were led by Senators Roscoe Conkling of New York.

Reference no: EM133735058

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