Reference no: EM131433398
Reading : A HISTORY OF THE : Modern Middle East [FOURTH EDITION]
By William L. Cleveland ,Martin Bunton
Study Guide for Test # 3: Chapters 10 & 13
Chapter 10: Authoritarian Reform in Turkey and Iran
Multiple Choice:
1. Which of the following is not true about the Treaty of Sèvres?
This question is about the sovereignty of the Ottoman government.
2. Post-World War I, what did Mustafa Kemal do that would change the region forever?
This question has to do with Turkey's independence.
3. Who was the father of modern Turkey? ......................
4. The last dynasty of Shahs to rule Iran was the...........
5. In 1923, Turkey was recognized as a(n)................
6. Which of the following is not true about Ataturk's Turkey?
7. Reza Shah, like Ataturk, was a reformer committed to strengthening his country through......
8. Reza Shah introduced all of the following legislation regarding woman except................
9. British and Soviet forces occupied which country from 1941-1946?
10. Reza Shah's institutionalized authority rested with his control of..............
True or False:
11. This question is about Ataturk and Reza Shah and what they thought about religion.
12. This question is about the National Pact's position regarding Turkish sovereignty.
13. This question is about the laws passed by Mustafa Kemal.
14. This question is about Reza Shah's position regarding religion and the judicial system.
15. This question is about Reza Shah and populism.
Chapter 13: The Palestine Mandate and the Birth of the State of Israel
16. According to Herzl, if Jews acquired political sovereignty in a state of their own, which of the following problems would be solved?
17. Which of the following is not true of Zionism?
18. The Palestine mandate was different from other mandates in the region because....
19. Which of the following is not true of Jewish immigration in Palestine?
This question is about the number of Jews in Palestine in 1936.
20. The increasing impoverishment and marginalization of the Palestinian Arab peasantry was the result of two things. These two things are..................
21. What was the unique recommendation from the Peel Commission regarding the antagonism between Arabs and Jews?
22. The 1947 United Nations proposal recommended the partition of Palestine into two states, an Arab State and Jewish State, as well as.........
23. Which of the following is not true of the first Arab-Israeli War in 1948?
24. What was Plan D, as implemented by the Haganah?
True or False:
25. This question is about the rise of Palestinian nationalism in response to Zionist settlement.
26. This question is aboutthe Black Letter of 1931 which confirmed Arabs' belief in the ability of Zionist pressure groups to influence the decisions of the British government.
27. This question is about what the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommended after visiting Palestine in 1947 (this has to do with British control of the mandate).
Fill in the Blanks:
Chapter 10:
1. In 1921, who assumed full command of the military operations carried out by the local Turkish resistance groups? _______________________
2. An admirer of European institutions and attitudes, Ataturk was determined to mold the newly independent Turkey in the image of ___________________________________.
3. The doctrine known as ____________________________ was built on the foundation of six principles-reformism, republicanism, secularism, nationalism, populism, and étatism.
4. After the German invasion of the USSR in July of 1941, Iran was invaded in August of that year by the Soviets and the __________________________ in an attempt to keep a supply corridor open to the Soviet Union.
5. Reza Shah's program of ______________________________, like Ataturk's, imposed the outward symbols of Westernization on the population. (this means separation of state and religion).
6. Mustafa Kemal abolished the offices of the caliphate and shaykh al-Islam, banished members of the Ottoman royal family, closed religious schools, and abolished Mejelle and the shari'ah in favor of a _______________________civil code and laws modeled on ____________________________and ______________________________legal codes.
7. In the name of secularism, Sufi orders were dissolved, and worship was restricted at certain shrines and sites. Religious dress, also, was affected. Donning a____________________________ was made into a criminal offense in 1925, because, to Ataturk, it symbolized a tie to the Ottoman past.
8. Name the last Ottoman Caliph deposed by Mustafa Kemal? ______________________________________
9. Name the minority that was referred to as "mountain Turks" by the Turkish government. __________________
10. What drove the population of Tehran from 196,000 in 1922 to some 700,000 in 1941? ___________________
11. In the name of secularism, Kemal dissolved ________________ orders, and worship was restricted at certain shrines and sites.
Chapter 13:
12. The _________________________________Declaration granted a national homeland in Palestine to Jews.
13. What was the result of the first Arab-Israeli War in 1948? ____________________________
14. In his book The Jewish State, ______________________________________ (this is person) believed that the absence of a Jewish state made the Jews aliens in the lands in which they lived.
15. By the late 1930s, representatives from___________________________________ (this is a country) played an important role in the deliberations of the World Zionist Organization, and private contributions from that country made up a significant portion of the funds donated to the Zionist cause.
16. What do we call the Jewish community in Palestine before the establishment of modern Israel? ________________
17. On May 15, 1948, units from the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, and _______________ invaded Israel.
18. Who was the first prime minister of Israel? ______________________________________
19. The British promised the territory of Palestine, previously inhabited by an Arab population for some 1,200 years, to the international Jewish community. The Zionist community of __________________________, (this is a location) in particular, was eager to accept Britain's promise.
20. In the 1920s/1930s, among Palestinian Arabs, their collective leadership was weakened by_____________________.
21. The ____________________________________office claimed to be representative of all Palestinians, but the British refused to accept its legitimacy, it could not gain mass support from Palestinian Arabs, and the office itself lacked structure.
22. The Jewish community, alternatively, was better financed, better organized, and better connected than their Arab counterparts. While the Arabs had no formal representatives by which to access the British authority, the Jewish community had the Palestine Zionist Executive, aka (also known as)_____________________________________.
23. Name the American President who supported the creation of a Jewish state, and even launched a lobbying campaign on behalf of the UN proposal. ___________________________