Reference no: EM13761444
1. You have learned that changes in price or other factors such as income or number of sellers will impact the demand and supply sides of the market. Recall that changes in current price are illustrated by movement along the curve and cause changes in either "quantity demanded" or "quantity supplied." Other factors will cause either the demand or supply curve to shift and are referred to as changes in "demand" or changes in "supply."
Choose one of the following and determine whether there is correct usage of the terms "demand," "quantity demanded," "supply" and "quantity supplied." Why or why not?
a. The price of Burger King's Whopper hamburger declines causing the demand for Whoppers to shift to the right.
b. Because of a shortage of potatoes, the supply of French fries decreases.
c. Wage labor in the peanut butter industry increases causing the quantity demanded for jelly to decrease.
d. In the six months following Hurricane Katrina, the quantity supplied of oil in the Gulf of Mexico declined by 25 %.
It is a snowy winter and snow shovel prices have increased. Suppliers increase supply to take advantage of these higher prices.
2. Higher education has become increasingly expensive. And although the rate of increase has declined, education now costs much more than it did. One of the ways the government controls prices is by setting a floor or a ceiling on the market. Explain what might happen in the market for higher education if the government placed a price ceiling on the cost of one undergraduate credit hour? Consider the following:
1. Does it matter whether or not the ceiling is set above or below the equilibrium price?
2. Who might benefit from this price restriction?
3. Who might be harmed from price restriction?
Explain your answers using economic theory.
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Understanding of a real-world product
: How may you apply what you learned about supply and demand from the simulation to your workplace or your understanding of a real-world product with which you are familiar?
Who might be harmed from price restriction
: Does it matter whether or not the ceiling is set above or below the equilibrium price - who might benefit from this price restriction?
Systems analysis and design
: What are the benefits of a thorough system requirements document? Drawbacks? How can a system requirements document be used to manage stakeholder expectations?
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Benefits and liabilities of using a software package
: Respond to the following: What are the benefits and liabilities of using a software package to help write a business plan or hiring consultants to write the business plan for you? Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.
Benefits of product or service
: Respond to at least two of your classmates and critique the questions developed to determine if their questions will address customer benefits of their product or service.