Who knows if she will get pregnant again

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133363290

Read the case below. whether or not YOU believe that Maria should take hormone treatments. Support your answer by using one of the five theories we studied (Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Aquinas or Gilligan).

Case: Dr. Marshall Marino talks to couples every day at the fertility clinic where he works. All of his patients are there because they have infertility problems, which are usually due to one of three things: not enough sperm, not enough eggs, or problems holding the embryo in the uterus. Both partners are tested for infertility problems. Today, Dr. Marino is speaking to the Hernadezes. They have been trying to get pregnant for four years, but are still young, in their thirties. The doctor explains that Maria's ovaries are not producing eggs on a regular schedule. He suggests they begin hormone treatments as soon as possible. The hormones will stimulate the ovaries to make eggs. Mark and Maria have done their homework though. They read about the McCaughey septuplets born in Iowa and wonder if that might happen to them. Dr. Marino wants to be honest with all of his patients, so he explains the side effects of taking the hormone treatments. Often the ovary responds to the hormone by giving off a number of eggs at one time. If these eggs are all fertilized, the result is a multiple birth. Maria thinks a multiple birth would be good. With their problems, who knows if she will get pregnant again? But Mark has read that the more embryos in the uterus, the more danger there is of premature birth, brain damage and possibly death. This frightens him.

Reference no: EM133363290

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