Who is your member of congress

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Reference no: EM131039875

1. Select a controversial topic, such as gun control, climate change, reproductive rights, or animal rights, and go online to find two organizations representing different sides of the debate (for example, the NRA at hnp://www.nra.org and the Brady Campaign at Imp://www.BradyCampaign.org). Summarize the information you found at the respective websites. What do the two sides have to say about the issues and about one another?

2. Who is your Member of Congress? Describe the major characteristics of your congressional district (e.g., CA-30) and explain what issues your representative has focused on and why. Be as specific as possible.

I need format paper should be at least 600 words in length (about 2 pages), double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt, Times New Roman, no extra space between paragraphs.

Please use MS Word only. Do not submit in PDF format. The paper should proceed in this order: (1) essay title (please write your own title), (2) student name (last name, first name), (3) total number of words, (4) essay text, and (5) reference list. As for (3), please use the word count function of MS Word to count the total number of vvords in your text that excludes (1), (2), and (5).

Citation format You may use any style of format used in Social Sciences and Humanities (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago). Examples: • MLA: https://owLenglish.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ • APA: hups://owLenglish.purdue.edulowl/section/2/10/ • Chicago: littp:,www.chicagontanualefstylc.orgitools citationguide.html Make sure you cite your sources wherever you use their information. Failure to cite your sources will be dealt with harshly; penalties range from a low grade to a zero (F).

Important: Citing sources does not mean merely making a list of "works cited." What you have cited in the text must correspond to the

references you include on your "works cited' list.

Writing Style This is an academic writing assignment. Please maintain an academic tone in your writing. Academic writing: htth://library.bcu.ac.ukileamerlwritingguides/1.20.htm; https://www.ncLac.uldstudentslwddlearni4language/choice.htm

Reference no: EM131039875

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