Who is the primary advocate for civil rights

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133652647


Throughout U.S. history, the fight for Civil Rights has been a consistent struggle between underprivileged or disenfranchised groups and those in political power. Each of the Civil Rights movements that we discussed in class has looked to the Federal Government as the key actor in restoring and protecting their rights in the face of state and local efforts to discriminate or disenfranchise their particular group. In your opinion, when compared to states and localities, is the Federal Government still the primary advocate for Civil Rights in the United States today? If so, how does that manifest today? If not, what or who is the primary advocate for Civil Rights and why?

Reference no: EM133652647

Questions Cloud

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Who is the primary advocate for civil rights : If so, how does that manifest today? If not, what or who is the primary advocate for Civil Rights and why?
Assess the pros and cons of the constitution : Assess the pros and cons of the constitution. Provide one example for each and discuss you reasoning.
Explain the concept of procedural due process : Explain the concept of procedural due process and list several of the procedural rights as evidence in the 5th and 6th Amendments.
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Develope an overlapping mode of intergovernmental relations : Dell Wright developed an overlapping model of intergovernmental relations. For this discussion, you were recently hired as a faculty member at IGR University.


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