Reference no: EM133836152
Homework: Criminal Justice
Your written homework is to submit a paper on the topic below. Based on the nature of this topic, it is anticipated that a thorough examination will result in approximately 6 to 8 pages of text, not including your cover page, abstract, and references. You must cite a minimum of two scholarly resources in the body of your paper. Make sure that you are meeting all of the requirements outlined in the Homework Requirements.
Criminal justice agencies endure strict scrutiny from the media and the public. Although a majority of attention is focused on police actions and accountability, the entire system is responsible for administering justice, in a fair and transparent manner.
A. Does the criminal justice system operate in a fair and transparent manner? Explain.
B. Who is responsible for criminal justice system oversight? Get the instant assignment help.
C. Is the current system of oversight effective in holding the police, courts, and corrections accountable? Why or why not?
D. Identify at least two areas where accountability and transparency are strong and two areas of weakness.
E. How would you improve criminal justice system oversight? Explain your plan in detail including specific policy language that you would support.
Course Summary
This course summary homework is an opportunity for you to provide substantive reflections and insights, as well as address some specific points about the material covered in this course.
A. Provide substantive reflections and insights about what you learned in this course from your readings/videos, journal postings, peer discussions, and written homeworks, relating them to your personal and professional beliefs and experiences.
a. Don't simply repeat your postings or provide an overview of all of the course material or an account of your time spent learning. Think more abstractly about how the course expanded your knowledge of the subject matter and the value of the experience.
B. Submit a brief summary of one specific learning object in this course (i.e. Discussion, Critical Thinking Journal, Written Homework, Project, etc.) in which you learned something significant, practical, and useful that you did not know or completely understand prior to your research and submission. Identify what that particular element was, why you chose it, and how it can be incorporated into a real-life situation or environment.
C. Discuss any additional thoughts, reflections, and introspects that you have about the material in this course.