Reference no: EM131244201
Assignment: Problem Analysis and Market Assessment of Corporate Inversions
For this assignment, you are an economic analyst for The University Regulatory Studies Center. Considering your audience's values is a component to this assignment. The Center is known for its economic focus of public policy issues and your writing assignment should reflect that fact. The director of the Center describes the Center as "a leading source for applied scholarship on regulatory issues, and a training ground for current and future policy officials who want to understand the effects of regulation and ensure that regulatory policies are designed to make the public better off."
For this assignment, you will write an assessment report regarding the question of whether or not corporate inversions pose an economic problem and, if it does, whether the market can resolve it on its own without government regulations. This document is similar to the memo in its structure, but will include fully-formed sentences and paragraphs. After a brief introduction, your assignment will be subdivided into the following:
Scope: Who is negatively affected by corporate inversions? What is the magnitude of that impact on these groups -- a great deal? very little?
Scale: What is the measurable impact of corporate inversions in the U.S? What could be the long-term effects should the problem go unchecked?
Market Feasibility: Without government intervention, can the market resolve any of these problems caused by corporate inversions on its own? If so, how specifically would the market (e.g., the economic model of supply and demand; creative destruction of existing markets) resolve the problems? In other words, you are to determine whether this is a "problem" that requires government intervention.
Final Recommendation For/Against: A brief paragraph for or against government intervention, strictly based on the assessment of the scale and scope of the issue the government is attempting to resolve and the feasibility that the market can resolve the issue on its own. You must take one clear position. The challenge in this assignment will be to take the complex ideas that you are engaging with and condense them into easily readable but also informative sentences.
1" margins 12 pt.
Times New Roman
Single-spaced with double spacing between paragraphs
Sub-headings for each section
Title for the report
Two-Three pages in length.
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