Reference no: EM133084983
Now that you have completed the environmental scan, your team needs to conduct a market analysis of the company's customers in the United States. Outline how the team would conduct this analysis, while considering both current and potential customers.
I have the answers but need help with creating the outline. Please help MBA 640 Step 6 UMUC
Outline how the team would conduct this analysis, while considering both current and potential customers. Your analysis should address how you would determine answers to the following questions:
Your analysis should address how you would determine answers to the following questions:
-What needs are being met by the products or services that they purchase? What are the benefits to the customers? Make sure that you differentiate between features and benefits; go beyond manifest motives and consider latent motives.
-Who is involved in the purchase process? Who are influencers? Who are buyers? Who are users?
-How do customers pay? Describe payment plans, financing, banking arrangements, etc.
-Where are the products or services sold and delivered, and what are the distribution channels?
-How often are the different types of the products or services purchased? Is there seasonality to sales?
-Is there any market regulation? Is there self-regulation? Do any federal or state regulations affect the company's US operations?
-What is the size of the market (in dollars and units)? What is the growth rate of that market?