Who is editor of the periodical or creator of the website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13772853

Online Technical Documents

Online periodicals are quickly replacing the traditional paper magazines. Most professional organizations have free online periodicals that users can access. These publications provide a source of information for you to stay up to date with current trends in your field of study or career.

Locate a professional online periodical or professional organization's website that relates to your career or future career. For example, students majoring in environmental studies can search forEnvironmental Science and Technology. Students majoring in education can search for the Journal of Teacher Education or ASCD. Business majors can search for the American Management Association or Talent Management. In other words, you can search for any career and find a professional journal.

Review one online technical document related to your Final Project - Proposal. Provide a summary of the article that you chose. Include the name of the article and the website cited in APA style and format. Critique the technical writing of the article. To sufficiently complete this task, you should ask several critical questions such as the following: Who is the editor of the periodical or creator of the website? Are they an expert in the given field? What is the periodical or website's objective? What sort of articles or information does it include? Is the information presented refereed? What are the submission/publication guidelines for the material included?

Reference no: EM13772853

Questions Cloud

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