Who is a full-time college student

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131296190

Problem -

Complete the following problem. YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE OR RECEIVE HELP FROM ANYONE.

George (12/24/1973) and Mary Bailey (6/29/1974) are married. They have two children remaining at home Zuzu (223-07-5439), (DOB 6/29/2006), and Harry (324-92-1765), DOB (1/4/1998) who is a full-time college student. They also had a cousin Clarence Bailey (213-34-5667) (DOB 9/6/1949) who stayed with them for five months while he was waiting for admission to flight school.  Clarence's only income was Social Security of $5,400 and George and Mary provided 100% of his support while he was with them. Both George and Mary work for the building and loan his father founded. Their W-2's are included on the next page. The Bailey's have also assembled the following list of expenses:

Doctors and pharmacy

$  3,185

Asprin, Tylenol and Vitamins


Family Health Insurance (pretax)


Jacuzzi for George's aching back


(not prescribed)


Crutches when Harry broke his leg in soccer


Dr. Alfred Bonebreak, MD medical fees


Anna Feline D.V.M. (treatment of Fluffy,


the Bailey's cat)


Life insurance on George with Mary as beneficiary


Orville Payne, dentist (not covered by insurance)


Weight loss program for Mary (cosmetic purposes)


Spex Appeal Optometry exam (not covered by insurance)


Eyeglasses for Harry (not covered by insurance)


Medical mileage

215 miles

Property taxes for house


Property taxes on autos


Assessment for street repairs


Sales taxes


Mortgage interest


Home equity mortgage interest


Driver's license renewal for Mary


Fishing license for George


Interest on personal loan for vacation


Credit card interest


Charitable contributions Angel Church (cash)


Clothing donation to Salvation Army


Cost $600, FMV $270


Value of George's time volunteered to Boy Scouts


Mileage for charitable work

143 miles

Dues to Bedford Falls Country Club


Political contributions


Professional Banker's Association dues


Tax preparation fees


Safe deposit box (for bonds)


Meals bought by George while working late


On February 12, thieves broke into the Bailey's home. They were not insured against theft. They notified the police immediately.  The following items were stolen:

A stereo which cost $1,400 when purchased December 17, 2014. Fair market value at the time of the theft was $600.

A computer which cost $2,198 when purchased January 15, 2014. Fair market value at the time of theft was $1,550 Silverware which cost $2,400 when purchased May 15, 2006.  Fair market value at the time of theft was $4,500.

The Bailey's itemized deductions last year and received a refund from the state of North Carolina of $870. The Baileys paid college expenses for Harry who is in his first year at Bedford Falls University.  They paid $3450 in tuition and fees, $700 in books, and $960 for a computer for Harry to take to college. Harry received a scholarship of $1200. George is also taking a course at AB Tech to improve his computer skills so he can work more efficiently.  The cost of the computer course was $202 and books were $90.

George's father died during the year and left him $25,000 from the proceeds of a life insurance policy. The Baileys used it to fix up the old house they are living in. The Baileys paid child care for Zuzu $4,200 to Rose Petal Day Care (56-1223432) at 122 Old House Way, Bedford Falls 28802.

The Baileys had $270 in interest from an account they had at the Building and Loan and $167 interest from State of NC bonds. They had dividends of $398 from Disney, and $759 from Ghostbusters Corp. The dividends from Disney are qualified dividends. They each received a $25 gift certificate from Ingles as a holiday gift from the Savings and Loan. George also received $75 in jury duty pay. On an outing with her friends to Harrah's Cherokee Casino, Mary won $400. Her gambling losses amounted to $525. The Savings and Loan paid health insurance premiums for Mary and George of $7,638.

You should complete a 1040 along with all necessary schedules and forms. The return is due at the beginning of class on December 8th.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131296190

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11/30/2016 11:45:44 PM

Complete the above problem. Can anyone help me on my income tax comprehensive problem? George (12/24/1973) and Mary Bailey (6/29/1974) are married. They have two children remaining at home Zuzu (223-07-5439), (DOB 6/29/2006), and Harry (324-92-1765), DOB (1/4/1998) who is a full-time college student.

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