Reference no: EM132714472
Purpose: This Final Project, which is an Individual Movie Analysis, offers you the opportunity to look at characters and their interactions through a communication lens
1) Indian Horse
2) Across the Line (14A) - aggressive coarse language and violence
Choose whichever movie from the list you prefer to work with for this Final Project, and note the rating of each of these movies. As stated in the Course Outline, in order to view a movie for the Individual Movie Analysis Project, students need to access a DVD collection, or rental through iTunes, Google Play, or YouTube may be required.
You are expected to provide concrete examples and supporting evidence from the movie to apply your understandings of course terms and concepts covered.
Movie Analysis Submission
You to submit your movie analysis in a paper, which follows APA formatting
Regardless of the submission of a paper with APA formatting, you must clearly organize your Movie Analysis using the headings listed below and following the prompts provided (Communication Basics, Self-concept, Perception & Expression, Listening & Relating, Relationship Analysis, and Conflict Analysis).
COMMUNICATION BASICS (choose any TWO questions = 20 marks) (this section should be one and a half page so one full page and one half page )(please write every question in a separate paragraph)
1. Choose one character in the movie who could be considered a competent communicator. Give examples of that person's behaviours that illustrate any four of the following:
• A wide range of behaviours
• Ability to choose the most appropriate behaviour
• Skill at performing behaviours
• Cognitive complexity
• Empathy
• Self-monitoring
• Commitment (caring about both the other person and the message)
2. Identify and explain one example for each of the following communication principles:
• Communication can be intentional or unintentional.
• Communication is irreversible.
• It's impossible not to communicate.
• Communication is unrepeatable.
• Communication has a content and a relational dimension.
3. Identify and explain one example for each of the following often communication misconceptions:
• More communication is always better.
• Meanings are in words.
• Successful communication always involves shared understanding.
• A single person or event causes another's reaction.
• Communication can solve all problems.
SELF-CONCEPT, PERCEPTION, AND EXPRESSION (choose any TWO questions) this section should be one and a half page so one full page and one-half page) (please write every question in a separate paragraph)
1. What issues with identity does one of the main characters reveal in the movie? Discuss the factors that are influencing his/her/their sense of self at this time in his/her/their life.
2. What emotions does a different character reveal throughout the movie? How does he/she/they reveal them and to whom? What emotions do you think this person feels but does not reveal? What factors contribute to this person's ways of expressing and managing emotion?
3. Nonverbal communication through clothing, physical appearance, and physical environment are all focused on by various characters in the story. Explain how each one is a factor in a character's relationships with others.
ISTENING AND RELATING (choose any TWO questions) this section should be one and a half page so one full page and one half page )(please write every question in a separate paragraph)
Effective and ineffective listening behaviours.
1. Who in the movie demonstrates effective listening? Illustrate by identifying the specific listening behaviours/strategies used by that person in one or more situations.
2. Identify two examples of ineffective listening and identify the specific problem you see. What is the outcome of the behaviour?
3. Give an example of a lie or deceitful action in the movie. Do any of the following reasons explain the reasons for the deception? Explain. If not, what reasons for it can you offer?
• to save face
• to guide social interaction
• to expand or reduce relationships
• to gain power
• to avoid tension or conflict
RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS (this section should be four and a half page so four full pages and one half page )(please write every question in a separate paragraph)
1. Analyze the relationship between two of the main characters. Here are some questions to get you started. Feel free to use any theories and concepts from the course to shape your analysis and to develop the topics in whatever order makes sense to you.
2. Analyze the development of the relationship. What brings them together? What strengthens their relationship and causes it to grow? What threatens it? Do any of the stages of relational development apply?
3. How do perceptions affect the relationship? For example, do these two main characters have accurate perceptions of one another? Do they have shared perceptions of others? How might their perceptions or attributions be distorted?
4. How do the messages they give one another affect their relationship's development?
5. Analyze the distribution of power/control evident in the relationship. Is it a complementary, symmetrical, or parallel relationship? Explain why you see it this way.
6. What threatens their relationship? Analyze one of the character's relational transgression and repair.
7. What are the factors that maintain the relationship(s)? For example, what needs are being satisfied by their relationship that make it worthwhile? Why do you think their relationship grows and continues?
CONFLICT ANALYSIS (this section should be three and a half page so three full pages and one half page )(please write every question in a separate paragraph)
1. Choose another relationship depicted in the movie, one in which there is some type of conflict.
2. Describe the relationship and any relevant background on it.
3. Describe the conflict. What it is about? What leads to the conflict? Does it escalate or does it diminish? How/why?
4. What conflict styles do the individuals use (non-assertive/passive behaviour, direct aggression, passive aggression, indirect communication, assertion)? Is it destructive? Do these characters deal with the conflict in a constructive manner?
5. Do they resolve their conflict? If so, how? If not, why not? And with what consequences . . . for the individuals themselves? For their relationship? For other people?
Attachment:- movie analysis info.rar