Who in our society benefits from this medical advancement

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522122

The Translational Genomics Research Institute (T-Gen), located in Phoenix, Arizona, has developed a procedure using genetic testing to identify the underlying biological defects associated with specific diseases. In some cases they are able to force rare cancers into remission and reverse the course of disease. This treatment is available to anyone but is not covered by most insurance policies.

Who in our society benefits from this medical advancement? Should the general public be made aware of this option? What implications regarding personal, cultural, or societal values does this medical advancement introduce?

Answer must be 200-300 words With references

Reference no: EM131522122

Questions Cloud

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Who in our society benefits from this medical advancement : Who in our society benefits from this medical advancement? Should the general public be made aware of this option?
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The providers role-responsibility regarding confidentiality : Post an explanation of the providers role and responsibility regarding confidentiality between the patient and the patients family in the scenario you selected.
Review the given transactions affect stockholders equity : Refer to the information in E10-6. In its first year of operations, Finishing Touches has income of $150,000 and pays dividends at the end of the year.
What is the savings percentage from the original price : What is the markdown percentage and what is the savings percentage from the original price?


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