Who has the right to define what the past means

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Reference no: EM131856759

Question: Learning Activity 1

Instructions: Background to the assignment: Who "owns" the past? Who has the right to define what the past means for us today? This assignment asks you to reflect on these questions. In the course of this assignment, you will discover that ancient history can sometimes be very contemporary, reminding us that the past is always present with us. Many of the conflicts in our world today have ancient roots, which is one of the reasons studying the past is important.

Description of the assignment: Go online and find some information about the "Elgin Marbles" (also called the "Parthenon Marbles"). Read a little about the controversy between the British and Greek governments concerning the ownership of these marbles. In a 2-paragraph essay, first summarize the controversy in your own words, and then take a clear position by supporting either the Greek or British side. Discuss 2 main reasons that support your position. You do not need to do extensive research or reading to complete this assignment well. However, if you include sources, cite them in current APA format. This assignment must be 250-300 words and must include the word count in parentheses. Submit a draft of your Learning Activity to SafeAssign for feedback a few days before the assignment is due.

Reference no: EM131856759

Questions Cloud

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Who has the right to define what the past means : Background to the assignment: Who "owns" the past? Who has the right to define what the past means for us today? This assignment asks you to reflect.
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