Who has the responsibility to advocate for childrens health

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM131343079

Given are the 5 case studies.

  • Choose 2 case studies. and answer the questions.
  • Case study answer will be approximately 1 to 2 paragraphs long.
  • Also specify which case study been chosen.

Case study questions:
1. A baby experienced life-threatening cyanosis and respiratory symptoms. His parents believed these adverse health effects were from exposure to a lawn pesticide. Another baby in the community also experienced the same symptoms after she was exposed to another lawn that was being sprayed by the same lawn care company. The parents, families, and children came together and advocated to the City Council to approve the Pesticide By-Law that would ban the use of pesticides on lawns and in garden care. This ban has been approved in a city in Canada, but has not made movement in the United States.
a. Do you believe laws should be made to change these exposure levels? Explain why or why not.

b. Who has the responsibility to advocate for children's health, in general?

c. Who would have arguments against laws such as a pesticide ban? Why?

d. Who would have a stake in this decision?

2. Phthalates and BPA can leach from flexible tubing, vinyl flooring, squeezable plastic toys, vinyl gloves, and carbonless register receipts. However, the largest source of exposure in humans is through the food supply, which occurs during processing of canned food, canned beverages, processed food, meat, and dairy products. Animal studies provide evidence that these chemicals function like hormones in our bodies and can lead to problems, such as a version of attention deficit disorder, cancer, reproductive health, and increased allergies. Federal regulation may be the only way to control contamination of the food supply by phthalates and BPA.
a. Should we regulate the type of plastic used in food production and storage in the US? Why or
why not?

b. Would you be willing to pay more for food if you knew it was safe? If so, how much should people be willing to have to pay more for safe food, in general?

c. Describe the type of regulation that you would enact and the level of government that would be held responsible for enforcing it.

3. Fluoride is put into city water, which we drink. The benefits of fluoride exist primarily in tooth enamel development in children. While higher than suggested fluoride levels by the World Health Organization, it has been determined that permissible levels (approximately 0.8 mg/l) reduce tooth decay and aid in the retention of calcium to strengthen teeth and bones. Fluoride use in dental caries prevention efforts have resulted in significant reduction of dental caries in substantial populations. Alternatively, overexposure to fluoride (greater than approximately 1 mg/l) has been associated with many adverse health effects. The most visible physical defect is enamel fluorosis; the condition is visible through the discernible brown stains and markings on teeth occurs when enamel covering of teeth fail to crystallize properly. A study by the National Research Council, 2006, concluded that severe enamel fluorosis occurs in 10% of children exposed to fluoride concentrations of 4 mg/l. Additional health effects have been reported in various studies and include neurodevelopmental delays in children, dental fluorosis, clinical stage II skeletal fluorosis, and skeletal factures in both children and adults. Prolonged exposure to high levels of fluoride can create severe bone abnormalities which present in crippling deformities. Unfortunately, levels of fluoride are often not monitored or can exceed levels of 0.8 mg/l.
a. What are fluoride levels in the water you are drinking?

b. Would you change these levels?

c. Would you keep fluoride in the water? Why or why not?

4. Studies have shown that maternal exposure to various environmental contaminants contributes to congenital defects. For example, exposure to air pollution can contribute to childhood asthma OR exposure to chronic low to moderate or acute high levels of radiation can contribute to stunted growth, deformities, cancer, or abnormal brain function. Pregnant women are at an increased risk for these hazards, but can be exposed even in cases when they cannot help it (e.g. living in an urban environment with air pollution).
a. What types of precautions can pregnant women take in order to ensure a healthy baby?

b. If women do not take these precautions, would this be considered a form of child abuse? Why or why not?

c. Who is ultimately responsible for these congenital outcomes (e.g. government, the woman, the husband?) Explain.

5. Population growth has been unprecedented in the last half-century; during this time-frame, the world population has increased by approximately 4 billion people, with the strongest growth trends noticeable in low and middle income countries. Over the last couple decades, the world's population grew from 5 to 7.06 billion people. Low to middle income countries currently account for 80% of the world's population and 97% of the population growth. Projected world population growth peaks are projected to occur in the year 2075 and are estimated to be 8.9 billion. Life expectancy has also dramatically increased in the last 40 years. Birth to death lifespan range has improved by approximately 30%. This increased population means more food is needed. Considering climate, land resources, water availability, and agricultural output, think about how food needs must be enhanced.
a. Do you think that the world will need more food because of these changes? If so, how do you propose to provide it?

b. Is climate change an issue? How so?

c. How does planting and having more agriculture affect the environment? Which is the most harmful and why?

d. What would be the absolute best solution to this problem? Be creative.

Reference no: EM131343079

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