Who has the power to implement your recommendation

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132249389

Write a proposal for your research report. This document will define the problem, explain the scenario, identify the audience, and outline the plan to complete the project. It will be written as a memo to me (Mrs. Bettridge).

Use the following outline. Include the headings in your document.

Use memo format.  Subject line should start, “Proposal to Write a Problem-Solving Report Recommending Ways to . . .”

1. In your first paragraph (no heading), summarize in a sentence or two the purposes (to recommend) of your report. In other words, restate the subject line.

2. Problem. Explain your business scenario here. What organizational problem exists? What is wrong? Why does it need to be solved? Is there a history or background that is relevant?

3. Audience. Mention me (Mrs. Bettridge) as your initial audience. Then identify the primary audience—the person who has the power to implement your recommendations. (Who will fix it?) What secondary audiences might be asked to evaluate your report?

4. Topics to investigate. List the questions and subquestions you will answer in your report, the topics or concepts you will explain, the aspects of the problem you will discuss. Include a sentence before your list of questions.

5. Methods/procedure. How will you get answers to your questions? Whom will you interview or survey? Provide a draft of your questions. The METHODS section should clearly indicate how you will get the information to answer the question sin the TOPICS TO INVESTIGATE section.

6. Qualifications/facilities/resources. This section should be a brief sketch of your qualifications to complete this project. Do you have the knowledge and skills needed to conduct this study? Do you have adequate access to the organization? Do you have access to any equipment you will need to conduct your research (computer, books, etc.)?

7. Work schedule. List both the total time you plan to spend on and the date when you expect to finish each of the following activities:

Gathering information

Analyzing information

Organizing information

Writing the draft

Revising the draft

Editing the draft

Proofreading the report

8. Call to action. In your final section, indicate that you’d welcome and suggestions your instructor may have for improving the research plan. Ask your instructor to approve your proposal so that you can begin working on your report.

TEACHERS NOTE: I expect your proposal to be about one to two pages long—single spaced in memo format. Remember the page 2 header.

MY NOTE: Research report can be whatever you want or whatever is easier for you.

Reference no: EM132249389

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