Who gains and who loses from import restrictions

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM131559332

Assignment: Economic Questions

1. Human-caused (anthropogenic) emissions of Carbon Dioxide are only about 3 percent of total carbon dioxide emissions each year. Oceans are the biggest emitters. Why is so much attention directed at anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide?

2. Why are foreign producers of products, like ethanol (which can be produced more cheaply in Brazil), so often the subject of special taxes such as the import tax on ethanol?

3. How do deposits on bottles and cans affect the incentives of individuals to recycle these products?

4. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, American automobile manufacturers greatly increased the quality of cars they produced relative to the cars produced in other nations. What effect do you think this had on American imports of Japanese cars, Japanese imports of American cars and American exports of goods and services other than automobiles?

5. Who gains and who loses from import restrictions? Make sure to mention all workers, import-competing industries, consumers and exporting industries.)

6. When you go shopping for a new computer, is your real objective to "import" a computer into your apartment or is it to "export" cash from your wallet? What does this tell you about the true object of international trade - is it exports or imports?

Reference no: EM131559332

Questions Cloud

What would be likely economic impact of import restrictions : What would be the likely economic impact of import restrictions and limitations on immigration, policies currently being proposed by the Trump Administration?
Calculate the expected cash flows as well as the npv : Create data table in excel. Set up spreadsheet to calculate the expected cash flows as well as the NPV, IRR and Profitabiity Index.
Draw the histogram representing the probability distribution : WAITING LINES The accompanying data were obtained in a study conducted by the manager of SavMore Supermarket. In this study, the number of customers waiting.
How should his investment be diversified : For the following question, use financial application methodology. How should his investment be diversified to make the most interest income
Who gains and who loses from import restrictions : Who gains and who loses from import restrictions? Make sure to mention all workers, import-competing industries, consumers and exporting industries.)
What are their portfolio and direct investments : What is their absolute advantage. What are their portfolio and direct investments
Mechanical properties of sample rocks to field situations : Discuss the problem and limitation of extrapolating mechanical properties of sample rocks to field situations.
Saving leads to a higher standard of living : Consider how to explain how higher saving leads to a higher standard of living. What might deter a policymaker from trying to raise the rate of saving?
Explain the efforts to reduce the budget deficit : Explain the Efforts to Reduce the Budget Deficit. The paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.


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