Who can be held liable to pay damages and in what amount

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133573004

Question: Ruth, Nino, and Sandy are friends who live in Washington, DC, and who started a successful business selling cuddly stu?ed animals. The three incorporate in Delaware as Cuddly, Inc. Each of the trio invests $10,000 into the company. Recently Disney's "Mandalorian" became a hit sensation because of its adorable and unlikely star, Baby Yoda. Cuddly decided to make and sell a similar stu?y named Tiny Yuda. Disney sent Cuddly and its owners a cease-and-desist letter and demanded payment of $90,000 for copyright and trademark infringement. If Disney wins and is awarded a judgment for $90,000 against Cuddly, Inc., who can be held liable to pay damages and in what amount?

Reference no: EM133573004

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