Reference no: EM132074812
Select a tangible product, (an item) you like to wear or would like to wear in the Winter (clothing, shoes, gloves, hat/cap, etc.). Think of something you would like to do to improve your satisfaction (benefits or features that are missing) with that product. This will be your idea for a new product. Remember, something you can wear
Create a Company and give it a name
Give your new product a name
Write a description of this new product (its features and benefits).
Who are your target market (likely buyers) for this product: a combination of gender, age, income, education occupation, life-style, etc.
State how this new product is different from the one you have or would like to have (points of difference).
Threats involved in project or campaign initiated
: SWOT Analysis has is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or campaign initiated by our organization.
Supply chains financial and triple bottom line impact
: Reverse logistics Assessment of emissions “Greening” of logistical activities and supply chains Financial and triple bottom line impact.
Partnership taxable year
: When a partnership interest is sold during the partnership's taxable year, how is the income allocated between the buying partner
Describe personality traits and implications in leadership
: Describe personality traits and their implications in leadership.
Who are your target market for this product
: Who are your target market (likely buyers) for this product: a combination of gender, age, income, education occupation, life-style, etc.
Importance of the voice of the customer
: The following bullet points - extracted from the text book - are assignment guidelines/suggestions only; please add to them as you progress in the material
Identify aspects of customer satisfaction
: "The company is Tesla" The objective of this first assignment is to identify aspects of customer satisfaction
What is enterprise resource planning
: What is enterprise resource planning? How is technology used to support Inventory Management Systems?
Establish order in society
: The American legal system, although complex, was developed to establish order in society. This same system impacts health care organizations