Reference no: EM131044098
Assessment task: Folio
In this assignment you will present a folio of two (2) articles that you have read and reviewed during the first half of the trimester.
Each article must be from the print media (newspaper article, magazine article, internet article). The articles that you select must have at least 200 words of text. Please note that academic journal articles are not regarded as print media for the purpose of this assignment and if used you will be given a zero for that article.
The articles must be concerned with issues of a business ethics nature. If you are not sure of the article's applicability please think through the situation before using it, perhaps choose another one that you are sure fits what is required. The unit team cannot give you an assessment of the article's applicability. As this is a third year unit, we expect students to take responsibility for their own learning decisions, therefore deciding on the articles that you choose is a part of the assessment process.
Please ensure that your articles are business ethics related and do not cover social, cultural or political issues. Sometimes there is a fine line and if you are not sure, then choose another article which clearly outlines a business ethics issue(s).
You must have:
• 2 articles print-dated after July 1st, 2015.
The discussion of each article must contain:
• the title of the article
• the media from which it was obtained: i.e. newspaper or magazine name, internet site location
• the date of the article (it must be after July 1st 2015; if not that article discussion will score 0)
• an overview of the essence of the article with a brief discussion of the identified ethical issue(s)
• a discussion that links the essence of the article and ethical issues(s) to the theory (referenced theory to support your ideas is expected and will be deemed as essential)*. Here you also need to include your recommendations (that are realistic and practical) as a manager to resolve the issues identified in the article. If no resolution has been mentioned in the article, you can give your suggestions of how to resolve the issues here. If a resolution has been mentioned, discuss whether you would had resolved the issue in the same manner or other ways, and why.
• Who are the stakeholders being impacted (now and in the future) by the issue and how? Briefly discuss impact (positive and/or negative) on each stakeholder.
• a conclusion in which you proffer an opinion on the article's ethical issue(s)
• an academic reference list that is constructed correctly (using Harvard or author-date referencing style).
Article - Volkswagen outrage shows limits of corporate.
Attachment:- Article.rar
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