Who are the policy issue network participants

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133643881


Your assignment is to review either a policy analysis think tank article [for example, the Brookings Institution, the Cato Institute, or the American Enterprise Institute] or substantive newspaper article discussing the policy you chose to analyze. It is likely that you won't be able to find answers to all of the questions at one website, so do some additional outside research concerning the policy chosen in your article to accomplish the following requirement.

Begin With These Questions

  • Who are the policy issue network participants?
  • What are the policy motivations of the institutional and non-institutional actors? (you will need to identify specific individuals and/or committees - e.g. who introduced or is reviewing the policy)
  • At what level of government will the policy be implemented? (i.e. federal, state, or local - be as specific as possible)
  • Determine if there is disagreement and conflict between the states and the Federal government concerning policy formulation and adoption.
  • Is there disagreement and conflict between the three branches of Federal government concerning policy formulation and adoption?
  • How is the policy to be funded?


Reference no: EM133643881

Questions Cloud

Role of providing social services to the citizenry : How are nonprofit roles and missions providing supplemental support to the government's role of providing social services to the citizenry?
Is country policy towards a group seeking self-determination : Is a country's policy towards a group seeking self-determination, foreign policy or domestic policy? Give references.
Is the threshold limited to 100% prevention or failure : Do we have to eliminate terrorism to declare that we are winning the war against terrorism? Is the threshold limited to 100% prevention or failure?
How does civil liberties affect domestic terrorism policy : How does civil liberties affect domestic terrorism policy in the United States?
Who are the policy issue network participants : Who are the policy issue network participants? What are the policy motivations of the institutional and non-institutional actors?
Discuss the florida reproductive health bill that passed : Discuss the Florida Reproductive Health Bill that passed. What are the professional thoughts on this bill?
Similarities between south korea and the netherlands : What are the constitutional differences and similarities between South Korea and The Netherlands?
What would you say to them in defence of democracy : Authoritarian governments throughout the world, such as China, are probably reassured that Tunisia's democracy has suffered more setbacks.
Explain complex international system-toxic domestic politics : In your opinion, given today's complex international system and toxic domestic politics, is such a winning formula possible today? Explain.


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