Who are the major customers whom the restaurants serve

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Reference no: EM132290527

Essay Assignment #2
Required length: 3-4 pages not including Works Cited
This assignment requires students to use the ideas from our readings to develop a research project on a specific issue related to ethnic restaurants and food in the U.S. Unlike Assignment #1, in which you evaluated someone else's argument, your purpose in Assignment #2 is to devise your own argument about your chosen topic and support it, using both course readings and research sources. In your essay, you should formulate a clear and focused thesis and provide a detailed account of your evidence. Because of the limited required length of the assignment, you should use the most compelling points and evidence to support your argument and avoid superficial coverage of topics. In presenting your argument, you must cite directly a minimum of four (4) sources, two of which should be outside sources. Topics are listed below.
1. Diasporas attempt to recreate their homeland cultures in their host countries, but what they recreate is not necessarily authentic. The lack of authenticity can be detected in some of the foods served in ethnic restaurants. In their article "The Presentation of Ethnic Authenticity: Chinese Food as a Social Accomplishment," Shun Lu and Gary Alan Fine argue that food in ethnic restaurants in the U.S., particularly Chinese food, has to become more or less "inauthentic" because of "social, cultural, and economic constraints of the market" (540). In other words, they claim that ethnic foods need to be adapted to be marketable in a host country. Specifically, they discuss different eating habits and beliefs, as well as different tastes and cost efficiency, as reasons for transforming authentic ethnic dishes so that they are acceptable to American consumers. This modification takes various forms ranging from menu items and ingredients to spices, condiments, and cooking processes to serving styles and speed (Lu and Fine 540-43).
Write an essay in which you develop an argument aboutthe lack of authenticity of ethnic foods in the U.S in light of the inauthenticity/adaptation of American fast food in its overseas branches (e.g., McDonald's, KFC). To complete your essay successfully, consider some of the following questions: (1) Why do ethnic restaurants present food that is not considered authentic by actual natives of the culture? (2) Who are the major customers whom the restaurants serve? (3) What forms of alteration do they take (i.e., what do they change)?(4) Is it possible that ethnic foods can lose their ethnicities in their process of adaptation? (5) How can these be related to the adaptation of American fast food abroad?
2. "Latino food is tainted as low class," while Indian "cuisine is widely available and admired" because "nearly 60% of Indian immigrants are professionals," says Krishnendu Ray, professor of liberal arts at the Culinary Institute of America and author (qtd. in Andrews). In his explanation of the enticement of Indian food as opposed to the lack of allure of Mexican food in the U.S., Ray argues that "the socioeconomic background of immigrants from a particular country plays a role in the eagerness with which America embraces their food" (qtd. in Andrews). Controversial as his claim is, it can be one of the many reasons why certain ethnic foods have achieved popularity in America, while others have not.
Write an essay in which you develop an argument about the success of a particular ethnic food in the U.S. in light of the success of American fast food overseas. Some of the questions to consider include the following: (1) What aspects of the ethnic food make it appealing to many Americans, including other ethnic groups? (2) Is its popularity due to the image of its country of origin? If so, what image is associated with the food? (3) Does the socioeconomic status of its immigrants in the U.S have any effects on its popularity? (4) Can any of the reasons be related to the success of American fast food in the rest of the world?
To Sum Up
This must be In MLA format
Thesis Statement that the essay must be based on. And this thesis must be the last sentence in the introduction
I argue that immigrants may have brought their authentic cuisines here, but they must modify their ingredients due to a lack of resources and preferences of American consumers.
Point 1 you are going to talk about is a lack of resources:
Soafter the introduction you discuss this point and give a clear example about it from the sources and cited with author's name first and page number. Then explain how the example supports the point.
Then in a separate paragraph you counter this point in your thoughts and word and you write why you counter it. And you can use information from sources and cite them.
After this you counter yourself in a separate paragraph and give solutions for your first counter point.
Point 2 you are going to write about preferences of American consumers:
You do the same as in Point one.

Then the conclusion:
You must restate the thesis statement in the first sentence and then write the rest.
Works Cited
Long, Lucy M. Culinary tourism. Springer Netherlands, 2013.
Lu, Shun, and Gary Alan Fine. "The presentation of ethnic authenticity: Chinese food as a social accomplishment." The Sociological Quarterly 36.3 (1995): 535-553.
Pechie, Joseph S. "The Italian Immigrants' Assimilation into American Culture and the Subsequent Impact on Food, Language and Last Names." (2015).  Sajadmanesh, Sina, et al. "Kissing cuisines: Exploring worldwide culinary habits on the web." Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017.

Essay Assignment

Required length: 3-4 pages not including Works Cited

This assignment requires students to use the ideas from our readings to develop a research project on a specific issue related to ethnic restaurants and food in the U.S. Unlike Assignment #1, in which you evaluated someone else's argument, your purpose in Assignment #2 is to devise your own argument about your chosen topic and support it, using both course readings and research sources.

In your essay, you should formulate a clear and focused thesis and provide a detailed account of your evidence. Because of the limited required length of the assignment, you should use the most compelling points and evidence to support your argument and avoid superficial coverage of topics. In presenting your argument, you must cite directly a minimum of four (4) sources, two of which should be outside sources. Topics are listed below.


1. Diasporas attempt to recreate their homeland cultures in their host countries, but what they recreate is not necessarily authentic. The lack of authenticity can be detected in some of the foods served in ethnic restaurants. In their article "The Presentation of Ethnic Authenticity:

Chinese Food as a Social Accomplishment," Shun Lu and Gary Alan Fine argue that food in ethnic restaurants in the U.S., particularly Chinese food, has to become more or less "inauthentic" because of "social, cultural, and economic constraints of the market" (540).

In other words, they claim that ethnic foods need to be adapted to be marketable in a host country. Specifically, they discuss different eating habits and beliefs, as well as different tastes and cost efficiency, as reasons for transforming authentic ethnic dishes so that they are acceptable to American consumers. This modification takes various forms ranging from menu items and ingredients to spices, condiments, and cooking processes to serving styles and speed (Lu and Fine 540-43).

Write an essay in which you develop an argument aboutthe lack of authenticity of ethnic foods in the U.S in light of the inauthenticity/adaptation of American fast food in its overseas branches (e.g., McDonald's, KFC). To complete your essay successfully, consider some of the following questions:

(1) Why do ethnic restaurants present food that is not considered authentic by actual natives of the culture?

(2) Who are the major customers whom the restaurants serve?

(3) What forms of alteration do they take (i.e., what do they change)?

(4) Is it possible that ethnic foods can lose their ethnicities in their process of adaptation?

(5) How can these be related to the adaptation of American fast food abroad?

2. "Latino food is tainted as low class," while Indian "cuisine is widely available and admired" because "nearly 60% of Indian immigrants are professionals," says Krishnendu Ray, professor of liberal arts at the Culinary Institute of America and author (qtd. in Andrews).

In his explanation of the enticement of Indian food as opposed to the lack of allure of Mexican food in the U.S., Ray argues that "the socioeconomic background of immigrants from a particular country plays a role in the eagerness with which America embraces their food" (qtd. in Andrews). Controversial as his claim is, it can be one of the many reasons why certain ethnic foods have achieved popularity in America, while others have not.

Write an essay in which you develop an argument about the success of a particular ethnic food in the U.S. in light of the success of American fast food overseas.

Some of the questions to consider include the following:

(1) What aspects of the ethnic food make it appealing to many Americans, including other ethnic groups?

(2) Is its popularity due to the image of its country of origin? If so, what image is associated with the food?

(3) Does the socioeconomic status of its immigrants in the U.S have any effects on its popularity?

(4) Can any of the reasons be related to the success of American fast food in the rest of the world?

To Sum Up

This must be In MLA format

Thesis Statement that the essay must be based on. And this thesis must be the last sentence in the introduction

I argue that immigrants may have brought their authentic cuisines here, but they must modify their ingredients due to a lack of resources and preferences of American consumers.

Point 1 you are going to talk about is a lack of resources:

Soafter the introduction you discuss this point and give a clear example about it from the sources and cited with author's name first and page number. Then explain how the example supports the point.

Then in a separate paragraph you counter this point in your thoughts and word and you write why you counter it. And you can use information from sources and cite them.

After this you counter yourself in a separate paragraph and give solutions for your first counter point.

Point 2 you are going to write about preferences of American consumers:

You do the same as in Point one.

Then the conclusion:

You must restate the thesis statement in the first sentence and then write the rest.

Works Cited

Long, Lucy M. Culinary tourism. Springer Netherlands, 2013.

Lu, Shun, and Gary Alan Fine. "The presentation of ethnic authenticity: Chinese food as a social accomplishment." The Sociological Quarterly 36.3 (1995): 535-553.

Pechie, Joseph S. "The Italian Immigrants' Assimilation into American Culture and the Subsequent Impact on Food, Language and Last Names." (2015).

Sajadmanesh, Sina, et al. "Kissing cuisines: Exploring worldwide culinary habits on the web." Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017.

Reference no: EM132290527

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