Reference no: EM133328322
Case: Current events that have to do with Accounting are frequently discussed in news and journal articles. You will need to find such an article (for e.g., it could be published in Wall street journal, NY Times, Fortune, Businessweek, yahoo finance, Bloomberg, Fresnobee, etc. as long as it's a credible source/website) that has been published within the past 4 years (i.e. 2019 - 2022). The article should be related to a topic from any of the chapters that have been covered so far; if it is related to multiple topics, even better.
Your submission should have the following content:
I. Article Information:
• Article Headline
• Subject - National/World/Local
• Article Source
• Date Published
• Include a link to the article or news broadcast if located online
II. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs): Introduce the article using your own words. Make sure to mention what made the article meaningful or interesting to you.
III. Describe the Five W's (Who? What? Where? When? Why?) 2-4 paragraphs
• Who is involved: Who are the main characters in the article? What is their job title?
Why are these people important? How are they involved?
• What happened, When, Where: What is the story about? When did the event take place? Where did the event happen?
• Why/How can we learn from this event: Why is this article newsworthy? Why is this an important story? How does this article relate to the material covered in our class?
IV. Fiscal Impact (2-4 paragraphs): Describe the (positive/negative/neutral/business as usual) the financial or managerial impact this issue(s) creates for the parties involved. Would this be a concern for management, employees, customers, vendors, citizens, auditors, regulatory agencies, board of directors, shareholders, etc.? How would these parties be affected?
V. Personal Response (2-3 paragraphs): What did you learn from reading this article? How do you feel about this issue? Why should anyone care about it? Explain.
Submission guideline:
1. Complete your answers in 2 - 4 pages (minimum of 2, and maximum of 4 pages). Use Microsoft Word, Single-space, Times New Roman, Font 12.