Reference no: EM13751237
Question 1
The medieval idea that Christians took the place of Jews as God's chosen people is known as the:
Aryan supremacy myth
Crusader ideal
Supersession Myth
Christian inheritance myth
Question 2
A preconceived negative & unfavorable opinion formed against 'another' person or group, based on a stereotype, & held in disregard of the facts; suspicion, intolerance, or irrational hatred of other races, creeds, religions, ethnic groups, homosexuals, the poor, immigrants, etc.
Question 3
Jews are not a race, as stated by the Nazis, but people who adhered to ______, a system of laws, religion and culture of the Jews; with its concept of ethical/moral conduct monotheism, had a major influence on Christianity, Islam, and Western civilization Paganism
Question 4
In Latin Christendom, resentment and hatred was focused on the stereotype of the Jew possessed by the Devil, having tails and horns, and symbol of Satan, because Christians saw Jews as murderers of Christ, using Christian children's blood for religious ceremonies, and poisoning wells; this imagery of the Jew as Satan/the Devil, derives at first from
Christian antisemitism in the Middle Ages
Modern political antisemitism in the 19th century
Himmler's diary
Question 5
Because Jews refused to change their ways and convert during the Middle Ages, non-Jews wondered what they should do about them. "What should we do about this Jewish minority among us?" became:
The "Jewish Question"
The "Minority Question"
The "Antisemitic Question"
Question 6
A town areas where Jews were segregated in the 16th century
The Jewish Quarter
The Jewish area
Question 7
In his booklet Of the Jews and Their Lies, __________ proposed to set on fire synagogues
Question 8
From the end of the 18th c. & 19th c., and following the French Revolution and conquests
Jews achieved emancipation - legal equality in most European lands
Jews left the ghetto & became successful entrepreneurs, bankers, lawyers
a & b
Question 9
Modern antisemitism has the following contributing factors
The 19th c. exclusive romantic movement emphasizing an exclusive nationalism
Racial nationalism, & the class antagonism deriving from modern capitalism
a & b
Question 10
In France, in 1886, Edouard Drumont published one of the best-sellers of the 2nd half of the 19th c., Jewish France, which argued that the Jews had gained control of France, blamed the Jews for capitalism, attributed all the nation's misfortunes to the Jews, & accused them of deicide.
In 1894, this Jewish officer in the French army was falsely accused of treason
Alfred Dreyfus
The Baron of Rothschild
Theodor Herzl
Question 11
In Poland, around the middle of the 18th c., in the context of the Haidamak riots -attacks of Ukrainian peasants against Jews, and dozens of blood libels, a new mystical movement with joyful worship, arose within Judaism, founded by Israel Ba'al Shem Tov (Besht)
the joyful movement
the mystical movement
Question 12
Austrian Jewish journalist, who, horrified by the antisemitism he witnessed in Paris during the 1894 trial of a French Jewish officer, founded Zionism - Jewish national movement, for a return to Zion, symbolic name to the historic homeland of the Jews
Question 13
In the 19th c., the German Romantic 'Volkish' movement excluded the Jews as strangers and second-class citizens, because
It evoked the image of a mythical golden past, with a supposed superiority
It produced an idealization of the Middle Ages with Christian knights
a & b
Question 14
The belief that race in the 19th c., accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others; discrimination or prejudice based on race.
Question 15
German composer (1813-83) who fueled racial difference theory; expressed a German nationalistic terminology called volkisch (people-integral nation), in racist terms
Richard Wagner
Question 16
Racialist volkish thinkers claimed that the German race was purer than, and therefore superior to, all other races, that
Intermarriage between races was contamination
Jews were international conspirators plotting to dominate the world
a & b
Question 17
In the 19th c., a traditional, biased Christian perception of Jews and Judaism was supplemented by national-racial considerations. In mid-19th c., this Frenchman, Arthur de Gobineau, published Essay on the Inequality of Human Races; this author saw in what he called the 'Aryan' race -blond, tall, blue-eyed, a cultural people ___________ to the others
Question 18
Modern German antisemitism was based on
nationalism, racism, & false racial theories
a and c
Question 19
Whereas Christian anti-Judaism believed that through conversion, Jews could escape the curse of their religion, racial antisemites said that
Jews were indelibly stained & condemned
Because they are guilty of deicide
By their genes: their evil derived from inherited racial characteristics
a and b
Question 20
Antisemitism: 'modern,' 'scientific' term for Jew-hatred & anti-Jewish movement and ideology, in a secular society; (calling Jews a physically and mentally inferior group); this term was first coined & used by this German racial thinker____, in 1879
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Marr
Alfred Dreyfus
Question 21
German land, in the end of the 19th century, saw the rise of political anti-Semitism (using Jews as scapegoat for political & economic problems in order to gain political power); the radical right in political parties
Saw Jew-hatred as a popular formula for mobilizing all social classes
Manufactured the myth of the wicked Jew
a & b
Question 22
In the 1920s, the Nazis exploited this book, ____________________, a notorious forgery and a myth about a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world, to justify persecution of the Jews.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Jewish France
The Jewish Conspiracy
Question 23
This famous forgery about an international Jewish plot to rule the world, was introduced to the US by
Franklin Roosevelt
Henry Ford
Harry Truman
Question 24
On June 28, 1919, the ____ signed with Germany, ended WWI - the Great War, & had profound & far-reaching impact on the infant German republic that had to pay heavy reparations.
Treaty of Berlin
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of verdun
Question 25
The Germans hated the 1919 Treaty ending World War I, because of article 231:
The 'Proud Clause' proclaiming the victory of the Allies
The 'War Guilt Clause' blaming them for causing the war
The "War Reparations Clause"
Question 26
According to this treaty, Germany also lost her colonies and large portions of German territory: Alsace-Lorraine to France, and section of
Prussia to the new
Polish state
French state
Italian state
Question 27
After the Great War (World War I), Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) proclaimed the establishment of a German democratic state known as ___________________; it was the first time democracy came to Germany; this government which preceded that of the Nazi party, lasted 14 years, 1919-1933.
The Weimar Republic, new government of the moderate Left.
The Kaiser Republic, new government of the extreme right
The Kaiser Republic, new government of the extreme left
Question 28
In 1919, Germany was a centralized democratic state ruled by a Reichstag (Parliament); the president appointed the leader of the majority party in the Reichstag as
Question 29
General Ludendorff explained that the German army was defeated in 1918 by Democrats, Catholic Center party, Socialists and Jews, by an internal enemy; this ______ legend was used by Hitler and the Nazis to undermine the new German democratic government.
stab in the back
stab in the ankle
Jewish stab
Question 30
Major Ernst Rohm, typical Freikorps, became leader of the Nazi brown Storm Troops (Sturmabteilung - paramilitary armed formation of the right, composed of vigilantes war veterans, founded by Hitler to protect party gatherings) or the
Question 31
After Hitler joined a small Volkisch party in 1919, the name of the party was changed to the National Socialist German Worker's party - the Nationalsozialisticsche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP - or
the Nazi party
the Deutsche party
the NDA party
Question 32
While in prison, Hitler wrote the first volume of Mein Kampf
My Struggle
My dream
My country
Question 33
Hitler's goal was to create a vast empire, based on racial nationalism, ruled by a master race
A 1000-year Reich
A 100-year empire
A 100-year Reich
Question 34
Hitler and the Nazis believed that: the Aryans, being a superior race, were meant by nature to rule over the rest of the earth, and are entitled to take others' land; Germany must find ___________ - living space -, for the superior German culture and people.
Mein Kampf
Question 35
_______would emerge out of a radical right-wing ultra nationalist politics; it was the totalitarian racist ideology and policies, espoused by Hitler and his National Socialist German Worker's Party's from 1920-45.
Question 36
New York stock Exchange collapsed in 1929; unemployment was high; the extremist parties were more attractive because of this worldwide economic crisis: _____
the Great Depression
the Great Inflation
The Great Economic Crisis
Question 37
Nazi propaganda tied the nonhuman _____ to 'internationalism,' and blamed them for all the evils of the world, democracy, inflation, unemployment, political instability and Communism, as well as Germany's defeat in the Great War.
Question 38
The Nazi Party Platform and Nazi propaganda were
Anti-Versailles Treaty - attacked the 'November criminals,' against reparations
Anti-Bolshevik, anti-liberal, anti-democratic, racist and antisemitic
For idea of nationalism & volkisch ideology
All the above
Question 39
Nazi propaganda depicted Hitler as a savior sent by destiny, and promising
Economic recovery - putting an end to the hyperinflation
To regain Germany's 'proper place' - restoring Germany's strength & pride
a & b
Question 40
In 1932, the right-wing elites, industrial magnates, landed aristocrats, military establishment, & higher bureaucrats believed that Hitler would save Germany and their positions from a Communist takeover. On Jan. 30, 1933, President Hindenburg agreed to allow Hitler to become
Chancellor and create a new government