Which you are to outline current consumer behaviour trends

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133545682

Question: Based on the survey sample, you are required to prepare:( in survey is age , gender, income, people interest, occupation, advertising,) • a one-page summary of survey sample results (i.e., a shorter yet concise version of the results presented in writing). • a two-page analysis of the sample survey's key findings (i.e., what does this survey's gathered data mean? How does this survey investigate consumers' perceptions, attitudes, motivations, and cultural and individual factors? Which consumer behaviour theories and concepts may have been used in each question to inquire into consumers' perception, attitudes, motivation, cultural and individual factors and why?). • a one-page statement in which you are to outline current consumer behaviour trends that the company should consider and justify why these trends are of particular concern from a marketing perspective.

Reference no: EM133545682

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