Reference no: EM133751337
Assignment: Police Organization & Administration
"We are born in organizations, educated by organizations, and spend most of our lives working for organizations. We spend much of our time...playing and praying in organizations. Most of us will die in an organization and when the time comes for burial, the largest organization of all-the state-must grant official permission" - Amitai Etzioni, Modern Organizations.
What are some organizations you are a member of? (list at least 4, its ok just to list these)
Search the web for news stories on traffic ticket quotas and read two or three. I suggest you start with these sites, but you are welcome to use others. Describe your thoughts after reviewing these resources in the form of two paragraphs including the following:
A. What is your opinion of traffic quotas?
B. As an administrator, would you enforce traffic ticket quotas at your agency?
C. If yes, explain how you would answer critics who say quotas are unfair, etc.
D. If no, explain how you would adequately judge/encourage officer performance
Conduct a web search for one of the following cases (Mapp v. Ohio | Gideon v. Wainwright | Escobedo v. Illinois | Miranda v. Arizona). Describe your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of three paragraphs including the following:
A. Summarize the case in one paragraph.
B. Discuss the significance of the case you chose as it relates to the concept of due process and its application to law enforcement (e.g., how has this situation affected law enforcement).
C. Examine the role of government in policing where you grew up, or where you want to work. Does the community politics take the form of a Strong Mayor, City Manager, or City Council? Describe your thoughts after locating this information in the form of two paragraphs including the following:
D. Identify the community and how you know its politics. Don't rely on personal or past knowledge, seek websites, documents or contact the city and ask.
E. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the political system to law enforcement.
F. Which would you prefer as a police administrator and why?
G. Public interest organizations play a significant role in police accountability. The ACLU and NAACP are just a few. The funders for justice organizations website list over 100 organizations. Visit a few that seem interesting to you. Describe your thoughts after reading this information in the form of two paragraphs including the following:
H. Which sites/organizations did you read about?
I. Did they have anything in common?
J. Did they appear anti-police, if so how did that make you feel? / If not, what were the goals of the organization?
K. Do you believe that these organizations are an essential part of policing, explain?
L. Consider joining an organization.