Which will represent the yeast cell response

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM136386

Q1. Student wants to conduct science fair project on extracting proteins or peptides from alligator blood (pending getting safety approval and working in a lab) and testing against E. coli, and other organisms that she can get from working in a lab. She found idea from Proteins isolated from alligator blood may lead to new antibiotics (also crocodiles). Any procedures available that I might have her read to better understand process before seeking lab/mentor?

Q2. Throughout exposure to elevated glucose, a yeast cell's membrane glucose transporters will rapidly increase so the cell can import glucose. Which will represent the yeast cell response?

Reference no: EM136386

Questions Cloud

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Which will represent the yeast cell response : Throughout exposure to elevated glucose, a yeast cell's membrane glucose transporters will rapidly increase so the cell can import glucose. Which will represent the yeast cell response.
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The amount of padding in the shoe : Jill is motivated by money and the things money will bring her. Jack is motivated by a belief in the significance of doing good things, and his incentives are based on that belief. Which theory incorporates both these types of motivational causes.
Cost- marginal revenue curve : This is an essay question, but I don't know how to explain. Should I use the supply-demand curve to explain, or use the marginal cost- marginal revenue curve to explain this question.


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