Which type of punishment deters crime most effectively

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Reference no: EM131139718

Statistics show that there is a high rate of criminal recidivism in the United States. This raises the question, "Does punishment deter crime?"

• Resources: Ch. 7 and the Summing Up table on p. 182 in Society: The Basics; and the Online Library

• Research the effects of the four types of punishment (Retribution, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, and Societal Protection) in relation to today's American society, as outlined in the Summing Up table on p. 182. Try search terms such as "effects of retribution on American society."

• Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that summarizes your research results and addresses the following questions:

o Which type of punishment deters crime most effectively?

o Do the consequences of punishment provide any benefits for criminals and society?

• Format the paper according to APA style. Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two should come from the Online Library. You can refer to the Recommended Web Sites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources.

Note: Sources other than those from the Online Library or the Recommended Web Sites list need to be approved by the instructor. Submit the paper as an attachment.

Reference no: EM131139718

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